Disruption Timeline

  • My Body My Choice

    My Body My Choice
    My Body My Choice was a movement that began in the United States in 2015 to raise awareness for safe abortion, and to support planned parenthood. The hashtag #mybodymychoice began circulating across Twitter and Instagram to enforce this idea.
  • 2016 Election

    2016 Election
    In 2016, Russia was accused of being involved in the presidential election, supporting candidate Donald Trump. Across social platforms, specifically Facebook, Russian accounts interacted with millions of potential voters, with the intent to reinforce or change users political views.
  • Me Too

    Me Too
    Metoo began trending on Twitter in 2017 after actress Alyssa Milano shared her sexual assault accusations against Harvey Weinstein. Since, the hashtag has been used millions of times on Twitter to allow people to share their story of sexual assault, and given an outlet to talk about something that was once not normal.
  • Blackout Tuesday

    Blackout Tuesday
    Blackout Tuesday began when multiple social media users began posting a black square primarily on Instagram and Twitter, with the hashtag #blackouttuesday and #blacklivesmatter. This was aimed to disrupt social media and raise awareness for the BLM movement.
  • Defund the Police

    Defund the Police
    After the death of George Floyd, social media, especially Twitter, began flooding with graphics, hashtags, and posts, saying "Defund the police". This social disruption was a part of the police brutality movement. Defund the police was used on social media to highlight how many people thought the way to freedom would be through defunding the police.