
  • #OccupyWallStreet

    A social movement protesting inequality and corruption from Wall Street. This started on Twitter but quickly spread across all major social media platforms.
  • #Libya #Egypt

    #Libya #Egypt
    The Hashtags used in creating and spreading the movement now known as the Arab Spring. This started on Twitter but quickly spread across all major social media platforms.
  • #BlackLivesMatter

    A social movement calling attention to police brutality against African Americans. This started on Twitter but quickly spread across all major social media platforms.
  • #IceBucketChallenge

    A Movement to raise awareness and money for ALS by sharing videos of people dumping ice buckets on their head.This started on Twitter but quickly spread across all major social media platforms.
  • #MeToo

    A movement calling attention to sexual harassment against women, especially by people in a position of power, and most especially by people in positions of power within the Hollywood community. This started on Twitter but quickly spread across all major social media platforms.