Dicey Langston

  • She was born

    Dicey Langston was born on May fourteenth, 1866 to Solomon Langston and Sarah Bennett.
  • Period: to

    Dicey Langston's life

  • Period: to

    Thomas Springfield's life

    Dicey's husband's life.
  • Crossed deadly river

    Almost at age 15, Dicey crossed neck deep deadly river to warn her brother of an attack she overheard the emenies planning. He managed to get out in time and the ememies came to find the area empty.
  • Risks her life for father

    About a day after the deadly river experience, the enemies knew it was Dicey that told her brother about the attack, so they came to her house. They pointed a gun at her father and Dicey bravely stepped in front of him. She said they would have to kill her too. One of the enemies was so amazed at her bravery he stopped the others from killing her and her father.
  • Dicey gets married

    On this day Dicey gets married toThomas Springfield. They were both about was about 17 years old.
  • First child

    On this day Dicey and Thomas had their first of 19 children. He was named Aaron Springfield.
  • They move

    In this year Thomas receives land grant for participating in the revolutionary war so they moved to Traveler's Rest, SC
  • Last child

    The last child, Willis Springfield, was born on this day. There were three children born after him, named Paley, Langston, and William but nobody knows their dates of birth.
  • Death of child

    Dicey's son Henry Sprinfield who was her fourth child died on this day at age 45.
  • Dicey Dies

    On this sad day Dicey Langston dies seven years before her husband's death and just one year after her son's death. She died at age 71 leaving her husband to the remaining kids.
  • Thomas dies

    On this day Dicey's husband dies lat age 79.