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David Bloor - Sociologist of Our Time

  • Born to Succeed

    Born to Succeed
    Professor David Bloor was born on June 28, 1942 in Derby, United Kingdom
  • Working Together

    Working Together
    Professor Bloor started his academic career in philosophy and psychology. David blood along with Barry Barns began working on the understanding of scientific knowledge: by "treating successful scientific knowledge as simply true or rational without empirically investigating how such knowledge has come to be accepted as true or rational".
  • Success Continues.

    Success Continues.
    In 1972 Professor David Bloor was awarded a PhD by the University of Edinburgh for his thesis "Speech and the regulation of behaviour. He is best known for advocating the Strong Programme in the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge, most notably in his book Knowledge and Social Imagery. http://www.sps.ed.ac.uk/staff/science_technology_and_innovation_studies/bloor_david
  • Anti-Latour

    In the 1980s when French scholars like Bruno Latour developed the actor-network theory (partially based on the strong programme), David Bloor strongly disagreed with the ANT camp when they argued that human and non-humans should be treated in an equivalent manner, going so far as to write an article entitled "Anti-Latour".
  • One Award After Another

    One Award After Another
    Professor David Bloor was awarded the John Desmond Bernal Prize by the Society for Social Studies of Science in 1996 in recognition of his distinguished contribution to the field.
  • To This day

    To This day
    To this day Professor David Bloor is a staff member at the University of Edinburgh, School of Social and Political Science.
  • Listening to His Lectures

    Listening to His Lectures
    If you would like to hear him in one of his lectures the University of Edinburgh, please click the link below. (lecture was given August 2017).