Darwins Journey

  • The start of Darwins Journey.

    Darwin starts his journey on the HMS Beagle voyage as an assistant of the caption.
  • First stop in 'Carpe Verde Islands'

    Darwin makes his first observation and decides he might write a book on the geology of the places he's visiting.
  • Operation: Christianity

    Caption Fitzroy attempts to start a christian missing when he repatriates 3 native people he took to England in a earlier voyage, but fails.
  • Darwin explores Brazil!

  • Darwin in Rio Negro, Argentina

  • Chiloe Island, Chile

    Darwin experiences his first (Important) earthquake and see's Mount Osorno erupt
  • Galapagos Islands (Sept-Oct 1835)

    He makes his discovery of different tortoises,iguanas and finches
  • Sydney, Australia

  • Cocos Islands

    Dawrwin studies coral reefs growing, to test his theory of atoll formation
  • Darwin in Mautritius

  • Cape Town, South Africa

  • Bahia & Pernambuco, South Africa

    He discovers many incredible creatures~
  • End of his 5yr Voyage ( Falmouth, England)