
dance timeline made by: Victoria Hogue:)

  • 500

    lousis XIV

    the ""sun king"" of ballet
  • Period: 500 to May 2, 1400

    medieval period

    the dance of death
    -inisiamic lands
    -dance was a art
  • Period: May 2, 1200 to


    a reneww intrrest in the arts
    -more about invidul artist
    -ballet emereg popular with the working class
  • May 2, 1500

    ballet started

    this is when ballet frist came to this world
  • May 4, 1567

    doiris humphrey

    doiris humphrey
    the queen on spins
  • May 4, 1579

    ruth st. dennis & ted shawn

    ruth st. dennis & ted shawn
    they mad a school
  • first school for ballet

    louis XIV made the first ballet school for perople
  • 17th centry

    slaves were brought to america and aferica and brought there music and dance
  • adora duncan

    adora duncan
    the first person to dace the morden dance
  • merce cunningham

    merce cunningham
    the fiest chorgrapher to emerage fromm traitinal
  • Period: to

    harlem renaiaanssce

    was sigincant in the time period of history off jazzz
  • alivin aliey

    alivin aliey
    was ssrchraph or people active he wonted them to go comperey dance
  • jose limon

    jose limon
  • Period: to

    Bill 'Bo jangles' robinson

    Early Vaueville star who bacame a tap legend. Created light ans imaginitive by keeping his weight on the balls of his feet.
  • erick hawkins

    erick hawkins
    no flows when he danced
  • earl tucker

    earl tucker
    performed at the cotton club during this time
  • busby berkely

    busby berkely
    film diretior and choregrapher who used hundreds of dancers elaborate sets and imagaative choreography. known for amazing floor patterns such as in movies ''dames''
  • music

    hip hop music came in this time
  • elana powell

    elana powell
    was known for a tap atyle that inclued acrobatic moves, balletic rhythms, ans a sieries of rapid turns
  • Gene kelly

    Gene kelly
    he perfromed tap jazz styles movents like leaps his style was amazing
  • bob fosse

    bob fosse
    he erned 8 tony awards for broadway cherography.
  • primitive period

    dance was used as a mean of comminication.
    - dace rituals were done of worthshop to the gods
    -dace ritualls were speals decation such as ith dearh and marrige,
    -movements for vert basic
  • tv

    provied the puplic with the man of dance
  • fred Astaire

    fred Astaire
    added on easgoing suaveness to highly rhythmic footwork and perictmusicality
  • ginger rogers

    ginger rogers
    daveloped a smooth and elegant dance from that combined tap and ballroom

    was born in 1956 known as the father of hip hop
  • george balanchine

    george balanchine
    a student of the russsian ballet, he was co founder of the school of american ballet untell his ath in 1948
  • don campbellock

    don campbellock
    made up a dance called valled ''CAMPELLOCKING''
  • Period: to 200

    ancient period

    -movements were more serious
    -movents choices were made order to repusent ceriton themes
    - highlight of the centry was the art and beauty was the priorty