
  • 1500


    -They had shamans who were like priests and doctors
    -They believed and passed on myths and legends
    -Their oldest myth is their belief of how the world came to be
    -They think a turtle came out of the water and life was on his back on his shell
    -They had dream catchers that they used to cleanse their dreams
    -They also strongly believed in the circle of life
  • 1500

    Social relationships between natives

    Social relationships between natives
    -They respected elders
    -They carried out many traditions
    -Such as the oral tradition
    -The oral tradition is when the elders and the wise tell stories, myths legend,s and rules
    -They have the oral tradition because they didn't write anything down
    -There were no written laws
    -There was no private property
    -They had freedom of their actions
  • 1500


    -Its the attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena
    -They believe that all living things have a soul and a spirit
    -They only take what they need they don't have excess
    -They believe that when they kill an animal they sacrificed their lives for them
    -They live in harmony with all nature and animals
    -They respect nature and animals
  • 1500


    -It's a part of their spirituality
    -Believing in the power of the shaman to heal you
  • Period: 1500 to


  • Divine Right of Kings

    Divine Right of Kings
    -The king took power to another level
    -The king had total power
    -He considers himself to have a higher power than god
    -The population and the church doesn't fight against it because who would want to fight with someone who is more powerful than god
    -He can do whatever he wants
    -Whatever he says goes
    -He oversees cultural events
    -The King exercises control over the church
  • King Louis XIV

    King Louis XIV
    -He ended the mercantilism system
    -He implemented the Royal Government
    -He sent in 1200 professional soldiers to New France to help defend the colony in the Iroquois Attack
  • Mercantilism

    -It makes the king richer
    -It's a system where raw materials from New France are brought to France
    -In France, they are turned into finished products
    -Then the finished products are brought back to New France to be sold
    -This way the king knows exactly how many items there are being sent to New France and he’ll make more money because he'll make sure all the proceeds go to him
    -English colonies didn’t do this and their population grew
    -Mercantilism system was not favorable to the population
  • Catholicism

    -The church and religion was everywhere
    -There were several churches in every community
    -You did what the church said or you were excommunicated
    -Priests were in charge of parishes and worked as missionaries
    -The clergy ran schools and hospitals
    -Nuns worked in hospitals and schools
    -School was taught by the bible and the strongest students were recruited to work in the church as the clergy
    -Believing in the Catholic religion
    -Obeying the church (since it controlled everything)
  • Catholicism

    -Bad things started happening, so the people started to question the church
    -That's when the church decided to create schools, orphanages, and hospitals
    -Money to make all this happen came from the church tax
    -The church tax was called tithe
    -The church controlled everything
    -Everything in your life revolved around the church: the way you dressed, what you ate, how you spoke, how you thought, the art in your house, the architecture of buildings everything
  • Hospitals, Schools, Orphanages

    Hospitals, Schools, Orphanages
    -The hospitals, orphanages, and schools were run by the church
    -Nuns ran the hospitals and orphanages and worked as teachers in the schools
    -In schools, they taught Bible studies such as the earth is flat
    -Schools were meant to choose the next clergy
    -They took the strongest students and trained them and encouraged them to join the clergy
    -School was only for boys with money
  • Excommunication

    -Excommunication is when you are kicked out of the church (rejected
    -Since the church runs everything you are in big trouble if they kick you out
    -The whole church community (which is everyone) will shun you, therefore, you can't survive
    -People won't sell you food, your kids can't go to school, you won't be able to live in your home
    -You can be excommunicated for being caught several times have premarital sex, if you don't go to church on Sundays, if you publicly disagree with the Bible etc...
  • Minister of Marine and Governor

    Minister of Marine and Governor
    -Minister of marine is in charge of all the Kings colonies
    -The minister of marine nor the King of France go to the colonies
    -They both stay in France neither goes on a boat to the colony
    -King of France hires minister of marine who hires someone else to go to the colony and check up on things
    -The governor is the guy that the minister marine sends to the colony
  • Gallicanism

    -It's the belief that popular civil authority—often represented by the monarchs' authority or the State's authority—over the Catholic Church is comparable to that of the Pope's.
    -It's the document that makes the king have more power than the church
    -It's the permission for the divine right of kings
  • Ultramontanism

    -Authority of the church is extremely important
    -The church is everywhere
    -The church runs and controls all schools (education), hospitals, and orphanages
    -Absolute obedience of the Catholic religion
  • Anticlericalsim

    -Opposite of ultramontanism
    -Wanting the separation of church and state
    -Promotion of a more democratic regime
    -Not wanting the Church to control everything
    -Just wanting the Church to responsible for religion and it's four walls
    -Not wanting it to control education, clothing, food, music, and everything else
    -What we have today
  • Liberalism

    -having liberty
    -being a free individual
    -be able to have freedom of opinion and speech
    -freedom of an individual
    -governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties
    -diffusion of liberal ideas by newspaper
    -development of parliamentarism (the parliamentary system)
    -there are reflections of liberal ideas in architecture
  • Imperialism

    -The policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies
    -You are 100% loyal to your mother country
    -There is architectural influence
    -There were British ideas circulating in the News Paper in New France
    -The Natives a French didn't get about the queen, therefore, they weren't imperialists
    -The French created there own News Paper called Le Devoirs to push their ideas and their language
    -Parliamentary political organization
  • Capitalism

    -If you want to start a business then go start a business
    -If it makes you a millionaire great but if you end up in debt sucks for you
    -You're free to do whatever business you want
    -You get the rewards and the problems
    -The state will stay out of our business
    -Construction of buildings by capitalists who form part of our architectural heritage
    -Diffusion of capitalist ideas through the mainstream press owned by businessmen
    -Appearance of literary works that depict economic disparities
  • Agriculturalism

    -Pushing the farm life
    -Duplessy was for agriculturalism
  • Nationalism

    -In its broadest sense is a devotion to one's own nation and its interests over those of all other nations
    -Nationalists would have been saying we don’t support Britain but we do support Canada
    -Opposite of imperialism
    -Support your homeland over the mother country
    -French: did not support Britain wanted to protect French interests (Henri Bourassa)
    -english: like the English way and want to support Britain
  • Feminism

    -The women were able to vote in the federal elections not provincial elections
    -Women had to stay at home and clean the house and care for children
    -After the wars when the women needed to work in the factories they were taken more seriously and were allowed to work in factories and have real jobs
    -Also, when the men were at war the women were then allowed to vote for the federal government
    -So when the men came back from war the women kept voting since they proved they were capable of it
  • Aborigonalism

    -The rights of the native
    -Claims for ancestral rights and recognition of aboriginal identity through tradition culture
    -Writings, language, music, education
    -Not to take away their land and their culture and rights
    -Oka crisis lasted 78 days
    -Canadian army needed to come in
    -All because a golf course wanted to expand there 9 hole course into a larger course and if they were to expand the would go onto native land
  • Americanism

    -People were influenced by America
    -There music, food, tv, movies, commercials, cars, and fashion
    -The emergence of American cultural trends
    -Such as dance, the charleston, music, jazz, and spread of American culture through films, radio, and télévision.
    -To counter American influences, the church spreads ideas of traditional Catholic culture through music, media, and education.
    -Influence of American culture through the News Paper and media
  • Fascism

    -Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler
    -They use propaganda
    -It's when a dictator runs a country out of hatred
    -A person or a group of people hating other people for no particular reason
  • Cooperatism

    -Also known as co-ops
    -Birth of different groups who favored equality and collaboration
    -American Unions like the Knights of Labor, the Caisses Populaires, the Catholic Union of Cultivators
    -Company has no owner
    -The people are the owners
    -You have absolutely no say in the company
    -In the old days, you typically had co-ops in agriculture
    -Farmer who produces the crop first gets to charge more
  • Neoliberalism

    -The new wave of liberalism
    -Hands off government don't touch our stuff
    -Advocating the removal of the state in various spheres of society
    -Active opposition to socialist groups wanting to maintain intervention of the state