CSI Development

By payso
  • 700 BCE

    China Finger Printing

    China Finger Printing
    There are records of 700 B.C. China recording criminal finger prints of chunks of clay.
  • 250 BCE

    Lie Detector

    Lie Detector
    A Greek physician created the first Lie Detector test when he noticed his patients pulse would increase when they lied.
  • 23 BCE

    Body Examination

    Body Examination
    A Roman doctor that examined Julius Caesars body discovered out of his 23 stab wounds only 1 of them was fatal.
  • 1248

    Investigation Knowledge

    Investigation Knowledge
    A book published in 1248 titled "Hsi Duan Yu" explained the process of detecting the difference between drowning and strangulation.
  • Poison Developments

    Poison Developments
    Mathieu Bonaventure Orfila, who is also considered the father of modern toxicology, published the book "Traite des Poisons" which detailed a mass amount of toxicology knowledge and procedures.
  • Gunshot Residue

    Gunshot Residue
    A test kit was created that with a quick swab could tell if there was gunshot residue on the surface, this was a very huge development.