Computers in the 1830s

  • First working telegraph

    First working telegraph
    Joseph Henry constructed electromagnets and applied the electromagnetism to long distance communication. He managed to do so by combine Schweiggers multiplier with Sturgeons electromagnet. By doing this, he first introduced the theory of a magnetic telegraph by ringing a bell through a mile of wire.
  • Punched cards

    Punched cards
    Punched cards were originally used to control looms, however, Seymon Korsakov was the first to utilize punched cards in order to store and process information.
  • First computer programmer

    First computer programmer
    Although controversial, it is said that Ada Lovelace-- assistant to Charles Babbage-- was the first computer programmer. She created notes that describe the algorithm for the analytical engine which was the first published of its kind, thus granting her the title of "first programmer".
  • Morse code

    Morse code
    Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail developed a series of dots and dashes as a means of transmitting telegrams. Besides that, the code they created was used for other forms of communication before the advanced "texting" and "calling" were developed.
  • Analytical Engine

    Analytical Engine
    Considered the first general mechanical computer, the analytical engine was a concept created by Charles Babbage. It had an arithmetic logic unit, was programmed using punched cards and even integrated memory. The idea was proposed but never acted upon until 1910 due to lack of funding.
  • Drones

    A drone is an unmanned technical vehicle and was first used by Austrians to carry explosives to Venice. At the time, the drone relied on the wind and thus the plan to attack ultimately backfired. Later, remote controlled drones were developed but that wasn't until the escalated use of drones in 2006.