
Computer Timeline

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  • Wilhelm Schickard invents the Calculating Clock

    Wilhelm Schickard invents the Calculating Clock
    It is the first known mechanical calculator to muliply large numbers. This is huge step in computer history because before they had to calculate the large numbers in their head and that can be hard sometimes so it is easier when you have a calculator and it's good that we do now for businesses and such.
  • Samuel Morland invents the add and subtract calculator

    Samuel Morland invents the add and subtract calculator
    It will add and subtract numbers so you don't just have a calculator to multiply numbers you now have one to add large numbers.
  • The first Typewriter is patented by William Austin Burt

    The first Typewriter is patented by William Austin Burt
    The machine was slow and clumsy but it was a writing machine and it worked so they did not have to use their hands to write this gave people the idea for Computers.
  • George Boole develops the Boolean Logic

    George Boole develops the Boolean Logic
    This will one day become the basis of Computer logic. This is a wonderful thing that we had a thinker like him before computers were invented so that we could have some ideas on how to invent it when the time came and men started getting ideas.
  • IBM introduces the Electirc Typewriter.

    IBM introduces the Electirc Typewriter.
    It was a step up from the first typewriter because it had visible writing, the capital shift, power operation, and proportional spacing.
  • John Atanasoff begins work on his ABC computer

    John Atanasoff begins work on his ABC computer
    He was the first one to start building a computer. It would have been operating in 1943 if they had not been interupted by World War 2. (The 5th is not the perfect date but it was in December)
  • Ken Olson introduces the PDP-1, the first computer with a Keyboard and Monitor

    Ken Olson introduces the PDP-1, the first computer with a Keyboard and Monitor
    This will make the computer a whole lot easier to operate considering that there was not a keyboard before now people can type on there computers and they have a monitor so now in the future they can introduce disks for the computer. (could not find a speciifc date for this)
  • Douglas Englebart begins to work on a computer mouse

    Douglas Englebart begins to work on a computer mouse
    This helped out people a lot when they used computers and it helped out a lot with the computer timeline and history because with a mouse you are able to move around the screen easy where before you had to use the keyboard to press certain buttons to get to certain icons and buttons.
  • Apple releases the iMac

    Apple releases the iMac
    We finally had a computer! it was a offial it was a nice one to. Apple came out with a very decent and nice computer that would fit nicely into peoples homes.