
computer pioneers

  • ada lovelace

    ada lovelace
    ada lovelacefirst comp[uter programmer.
  • john atanasoff

    john atanasoff
    john atanasoffinvented the first electronical digital computer
  • reynold johnson

    reynold johnson
    reynold johnsoninvented the flaah drive.
  • konrad zuse

    konrad zuse
    konrad zusecreated the worlds first programmable computer
  • ralph baer

    ralph baer
    ralph baer american video game inventer.
  • jean sammet

    jean sammet
    jean sammetdeveloped formac. worked on programming language.
  • Leonard Kleinrock

    Leonard Kleinrock
    Leonard Kleinrock well known professor of computer science. published 250 papers
  • alan kay

    alan kay
    alan kayobjective oriented programming
  • vinton cerf

    vinton cerf
    vinton cerfengineer. father of interet.
  • nolan bushnell

    nolan bushnell
    nolan bushnellcreated the atari
  • steve wozniak

    steve wozniak
    apple co-founder
  • tim berners-lee

    tim berners-lee
    known for the world wide web.
  • grace hopper

    grace hopper
    grace hopperfather of java
  • bill gates

    bill gates
    bill gatesprogrammed microsoft
  • robert morris

    robert morris
    considered the first computer