Img 1912


By kayllla
  • 1958 BCE

    Great Leap Forward

    Great Leap Forward
    The great leap forward was intended to make China change into a modern society. It was an effort of Mao Zedong to make China capable enough to compete with western countries.This led to the death of millions of people by famine
  • A republic form- end of Qing dynasty

    A republic form- end of Qing dynasty
    The history of the Republic of China started after the Qing Dynasty when the Republic of China ended the 4,000 years of imperial rule. This was significant because they unified with the Chinese nationalist party but the Chinese nationalist party was in conflict with Communist party of China because of the Japanese war that later led them to have a China civil war.
  • Chiang Kai Shek

    Chiang Kai Shek
    He was a political and military leader of the Republic of China. He was an influential member of Kuomintang( Chinese nationalist party) He served his duties to China from 1928 to 1975
  • Long march

    Long march
    The Long March was a military retreat taken by the Communist party of China. This was to evade the Chinese Nationalist Party. It was a series of marches from the south to invade the North and the West of China. The Long March began to give power to Mao Zedong who gained support from the members of the party in the Communist party of China.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The war was between the Chinese Communist revolution and the Nationalists party of China. The war actually began in August of 1927 but ended shortly with the White Terror. The war was split from the ideology from Communist to a Nationalist Country. after the war with the empire of Japan the Civil war began again in 1945.
  • Mao Zeodong

    Mao Zeodong
    He was a Chinese communist revolutionary. He also became the founding father of the people's republic of China. He ruled as a communist chairman of China year 1949
  • Who Wins?

    The communist party won this was a big impact today because it's still a communist country.
  • Cultural Revolution

    Cultural Revolution
    a movement made by Mao Zedong, he tried to preserve the communist's party but then that led to China's economy decreasing.
  • Deng Xiaoping

    Deng Xiaoping
    He was a politician for China. he was a paramount leader of the Republic leader of China from 1978 until he retired in 1989. from then on he still involved himself in may politics, like becoming the chairman central advisory commision of the communist party of China.
  • Tiananmen square

    Tiananmen square
    this was a student-led national movement where Bejing protested during the 89' democracy movement. after the protest, there was a massacre that took place. There was over 180 to 10,454 deaths that took place that day