Cold War to Present

  • United Natons

    United Natons
    The United Nations was a peace keeping organization. It was created in NYC and used in 1945. It solved disputes, solved disease and hunger problems. The united nations improved education, provided vaccines. It was a general assembly. used by the economic and social council, international court of justice, trusteeship, Secretariats, and Security counsel. It involved the US, England, France, Russia, and China. The united nations impacted the society because it gave vaccines and helped people.
  • Truman Doctrine/ Marshall Plan

    Truman Doctrine/ Marshall Plan
    President Truman sent money to help other countries, this event was called the Truman Doctrine. He sent $400 million to Greece and Turkey, in March of 1947. He sent it to them for military aid. This was important because it was used to stop communism. The Marshall Plan was George Marshall and him giving money to aid. He gave $12 billion to help rebuild Western Europe. The money was for after WW1. This took place April of 1948.This The Marshall Plan impacted the economy because the US is in debt.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks was involved in the efforts to end segregation. Rosa Parks refused to surrender her bus seat to a white passenger. She did this to end not only end segregation but the Jim Crow Laws. This event took place in Alabama, December 1st, 1955. Rosa Park's refusal to give up her bus seat impacted society because the Montgomery bus boycott introduced nonviolent protest as a method for social equality.
  • Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford
    Gerold Ford was a known Republican president of the United States. In 1974 became president after being a congressman in Michigan for 25 years. Ford began trade again with the Soviet Union and the US, making this a big deal in the trade business. Next, he helped in the investigation of JFK's assassination. Gerald Ford's presidency impacted society because he pardoned Richard Nixon, making many people angered with him.
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter
    Jimmy Carter was a well known democratic president. In 1976 Carter became president after being the governor of Georgia. Carter was important because he was apart of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT). Then, he passed the Social Security Act. Jimmy Carter's presidency impacted society because of the Helsinki Agreement having more security. Also, the Olympic boycott of 1980 made people very angery.
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    George W. Bush, son of George H.W. Bush, was a widely known republican president. In 2000 Bush became president after being Governor or Texas. He was important because he was president during the War on Terror. Also, he was apart of the tax relief. George W. Bush's presidency impacted society because of September 11, 2001, terrorist attack, which caused a lot of stress and sadness across the US.