Cold war

Cold War Timeline

By alexxx1
  • Allied Alliance

    The United States of America form an alliance with The Soviet Union during World War 2. They throw aside their difference to overthrow Hitler From his reign of terror.
  • Yalta Conferance

    The Yalta Conferance occured during Feb 4th to Feb 11th. It foreshadows the Cold War and they discuss on how they should end the war (Allied Powers). Stalin establishes Soviet Controlled Govt's in many Eastern European countries.
  • Germany Defeat in Europe

    Germany is defeated by the Allied powers in June 1945. Soon Germany will be split between Allied powers.
  • Development of the Atomic Bomb by the United States

    The United States successfully tested the world's first atomic bomb, In august the united states dropped atomic bombs on japanese cities of hiroshima and nagasaki killing thousands of people and ending the war with japan.
  • Potsdam Conferance

    The Soviet Union and the US recognize their differences on regions of the world and soon end the war.
  • The Berlin Crisis

    After World War 2 germany became under military rule controlled by the allied powers. Stalin disagrees on how to split Berlin but US and Uk refuse and get there share of the land.
  • Churchill Speach

    Winston Delivers speech to US on sdtopping Soviet Union Spread of communism. They called it the iron curtain beacuse they wanted to stop the spread of communism. Soon Hungary decided to follow Churchills speech but was soon retaliated by Soviet Forces. Most of Eastern Europe Came was under control of the Soviets
  • Truman Doctrine

    Greece and Turkey fight off communist rebels, Britian runs out of support for the two countries, Britian turns to US for help and is aided with 400 million dollars to provide assistance to turkey and greece to prevent communists from taking over countries.
  • NSc 68 is created

    NSc 68 a secret document is creating to document the cold war and threaten the USSR. Truman also increased Military spending to 50 billion a year which he did within two years
  • Moltov Plan

    Russia refused to let communist lead eastern europe countries let the Us give them loans therefore creating the Molotov plan which was designed to help war torn Eastern Europe
  • Marshal Plan

    The Marshal plan was put into affect by the US in aid for economic recovery of Europe. This plan was used to prevent war. 17 billion dollars are used for the Marshal Plan.
  • New currency for Germany

    France, Britain and the us announce in 1948 a new currency in West Germany. The soviet soon withdraw for allied control council. WHen the new currency is introduced, Soveits protest with blockades. Etc
  • The AMerican Monopoly

    Nuclear war begins in 1949 when the soviets perfecfted their nuclear technology and developed their first nuclear weapon.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is formed

    Nato is formed to create a military alliance to protect each other from Soveit aggression. Canada, France, UK, Italy, and the Netherlands all join NATO including the US.
  • Hydrogen Bomb is tested

    The US makes a new and more destructive bomb named the hydrogen bomb, soon after challenging the USSR they follow up with making bombs to creating a nuclear war for who is more superior.
  • Korean War Begins

    Mao Zedong Chinese communist leader allied itself with Soveit Union. The US is now alarmed by this new friendship and feels hostility. Soon Korea splits at the 38th parralel The US soon allies with South korea.
  • Warsaw Pact is formed

    In 1855 the Soviet Union formed a similar military alliance with eastern European nations such as Czech, Easy Germany, Hungary, Poland, and USSR and Romania