cold war timeline

By chris01
  • yalta conference

    yalta conference
    the yalta conference took place in a russian resort town in crimea from february 4-11. this meeting was of the heads of goverment came to this meeting. there was our u.s prsident Franklin D.rooseevelt british prime minister winston U.kchurchhill and soviet union joseph stalin. this meeting was to reach anagreement on what to do with germany.
  • berlin declaration

    berlin declaration
    the declaration regared the defeat of germany and assumption of supreme authority with respect to germany by goverments of the united states ,sovieit union and the united kingdom.. the declaration confirmed the legal dissolution of the third reich at the death of adolf hitler. the allies supreme authority of geerman territory.
  • potsdam conference

    potsdam  conference
    in the city of postdam there was growing american concern that communism and soveit influence might spread in postwar world. truman had hoped to meet with stalin so that he could get the soveit leader to live up to his promises from the yalta conference as a result postdam was not a success. this meeting was among leaders of allies near the end of world war 2.
  • north vietnam

    north vietnam
    after world war 2 and the collapse of vietnams monarachy. france attempted to reestablish its colonial rule there but ultmately failed. in 1954 partitoned the country temporaraily in two with a promise of dramatic election in 1956 to reunite the county the united states and south vietnam insisted on united nations to prevent fraud. which soviet union and north vietnam refused the vietnam war ended with fall of sigon in 1975.
  • iron curtain speech

    iron curtain speech
    one of the most famous orations of the cold war period former british prime miniister churchhill condems the soviet union policies in europe and declars. churchhills speech is considered one of the opening vollys announcing the beginning of the cold war . the speech began by praising the united states. he declared stood at the pinnacle of world power. soon became clear that even closer special relationship with united states.
  • soviets union tests atomic bomb

    soviets  union tests atomic bomb
    at a remote test site at semipalatinskin kazakhstan the ussr tested out their first atomic bomb. the testing of the bomb was codenamed first lightning. in order to measure the effects of the blast the soviet scientists constructed buildings ,bridges and other civilian structures. they also placed animalsin cages nearby so that they could test the effects of nuclear radiation on human like mammals.
  • first indochina war

    first indochina war
    the first indochina war was also known as indochina war in france.fighting between the french forces and the viet minh forces in the south. viet minh won the battle verses the french troops . departure of the frech from indochina was what the battle was about. the state of vietnam ,laos and cambodia got independence.
  • containment policy

    containment policy
    george f.kennan formulated the policy of containment. the basic united states strategy for fighting the cold war with soviet union . kennan ideas than became trumans policy. despite all the cirticsms that kennan took containment policy stayed with united states throughout the cold war
  • marshall plan

    marshall plan
    the marshell plan generated a resurgenceof european industrailization and brought extensive investment into the region. it was a stimulant to the united states economy by establishing markets for american goods. the united states gave europe 13 billion dollars. the money was for econmic support to help rebuild europeaneconimcs after the end of world war 2.
  • berlin blockade

    berlin blockade
    was one of the first major international crises of the cold war. during the multinational occupation of post world war 2 germany and soviet union blocked western allies railway roads and canals access.the blockade also helped overcome any remaining differences between french and british and americans regarding west germany .
  • berlin airlift

    berlin airlift
    the united states begins a massive airlift of water,food and medicine. for nearly a year supplies supplies from american plans sustained over 2 million people in west berlin.the soviet union did the blockade because of the refusal of american and british officals to allow russia more say in economic future of germany
  • nato

    in 1949 the prospect of further communist expansion prompted the united states and 11 other westeren nations to form north atlantic treaty organiztion. nato purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. nato is committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes . nato promotes democratic values and encourges consultation.
  • peoples republic of china founded

    peoples  republic of china founded
    nameing himself head of state communist revolutionary maozedong offically proclaims the existance of peoples republic of china. the proclmation went on for years of battle between maos communist force s . the loss of china the largest nation of asia to communism was a severe blow to china. which was reeling from the soviet unions detnation of a neuclear device a month later.
  • second red scare

    second  red scare
    as world war 2 was ending. a fear drivn moment known as the second red scare began to spread across the united states. americans feared that the soviet union hoped to spread communism all over the world overthrowing both democratic and capitalist institutions as it went. communism spread through revolution.
  • korean war-american involvement

    korean war-american involvement
    on june 25 75,000 soldiers from north korea poured across 38th parallel. the invastion was first military action of the cold war by july american troops had entered the war. americans concern it was war against forces of international communism itself. america feared would be a wiser war with russia and china or even world war 3. 5 million soliers and civilians lost their lives during the warafter 3 years of war in 1953 the war came to an end
  • julius and ethel roseberg

    julius and ethel roseberg
    julius and ethel roseberg a married couple convicted of conspiracy to commit esponage in 1951. they were put to death in the electric chair. the execution marked the dramatic finale of most controversial espionage case of cold war
  • nikita khrushchev

    nikita khrushchev
    nikita led the soviet union during the height of the cold war serving as premir from 1958 -1964 althoughhe laregly persued a policy of peaceful coexistence with the west. he instigated the cuban missle crisis by placing nuclear wepons 90 miles from florida. he was known for his colorful speecheshe onced took off and brandished his shoe at the united nations
  • eisenhower presidency

    eisenhower presidency
    as suprerme commander of the allied forces in western europe. during ww2 he led the invastion of nazi occuiped europe that began on d-dayrepublicans convinced eisenhower to run for president . he won a convincing victory over democrat adlai . he served two serms in the white house.
  • warsaw pact

    warsaw pact
    the soviet union and seven of its european satellites sign a treaty establishing the warsaw pact . a mutual defense organization that put the soviets in command of the armed forces of the member states
  • sputnik

    the soviet union inaugurates the pace age with its luanch of sputnik . the worlds first artifical satellite the spacecraft named sputnik after russian word for satellite. sputnik was 22 inches in diameter and weighed 184 pounds and circled earth once every hour.apogee from earth was 584. it traveled at 18,000 miles per hour .
  • cuban revolution

    cuban revolution
    in the final days of 1958 ragged rebles began the process of driving out forces loyal to cuban dictator . by new years day the nation was theirs . the rveolution was the reslt of many years of hardship guerrilla warfare and propaganda battles
  • bay of pigs

    bay of pigs
    a young cuban nationist named fidel castro drove his guerilla army into havana and overthrew general fulgencio the nations s american backed president . for the next 2 years the united states central agency attempted to push castro from power . in april 1961 cia luanched an invastion of cuba by 1,400 american trained cubans who had fled their homes when castro took power.
  • u2 incident

    u2 incident
    an international diplomatic crisis erupted in may 1960. when the union of soviet socialist republics shot down an american u-2 spy plane in soviet air space and captured its piolet francis powers confronted with the evidence of his nations espionage. eisenhowder was forced to admit to the soviets that the us central intellgence agency had been flying spy missions over ussr for several years.
  • kennedy presidency

    kennedy presidency
    elected in 1960 as the e5th president of the united states 43 year old john f.kennedy became the youngest first roman catholic to hold that office. he was born into one of america wealthist families and parlayed an elite education and a repution as a military hero. into a sccessful run for congress in 1946 and for senete in 1952 . as president kennedy confronted mounting cold war tenions in cuba,vietnam and elsewhere .
  • first man in space

    first man in space
    abord the spacecraft vostok 1 was soviet cosmnaut yui alekseyevich gagarin becomes the first human in space. during the flight the 27 year old test pilot and industrail technician also became the first men to orbit the planet. a feat acomplished by his space capsule in 89 minutes. during his 1 hour and 48 minutes in space was flight is" proceeding normally i am well"
  • checkpoint charlie

    checkpoint charlie
    checkpoint charlie was the name given by the western allies. best known berlin wall crossing point between east berlin and west berlin during the cold war. checkponit charlie is what divides eastern and wetern berlin.
  • berlin wall

    berlin wall
    the communist goverment of germany democratic republican began to build barbed wire concrete . antifascist bulwark between east and west berlin. the purpose of the wall was to keep western fascits from entering east germany it served the objective of stemming mass defections from east to west. the wall stood until east german communist party announced the gdr could cross the border whenever they wanted .
  • fall of berlin wall

    fall of berlin wall
    the wall swas being built in 1961. the wall would stand for almost 3 decades until the wall was torn down. several times people in the communist countries would rise up against the communist system but they would fail .the wall enclosed west berlin the wall symbolized the height of the cold war.
  • jfk assassination

    john f kennedy was assassinated while traveling through dallas texas. he was in a open top convertible his wife was in the car with him. kennedy was shot by a sniper. he was 46 years old when he died. lee harvey osweld was responsible for jfk death. 2 days later jack ruby killed lee harvey oswald.
  • gulf of tonkin resolution

    gulf of tonkin resolution
    this gave broad congressional approval for expanion of vietnam war. president lyndon johnson and his advisers feared that the world would not approve othe expansion of the war. johnson was criticized for not pursuring the war more agressivly. many people concluded johnson and his advisers misled congrss into supporting the expansion of the war.
  • salt 1

    salt 1
    soviet and negotiators meet in helsinki to begin strategtic arms limittation talks or salt for short. this meeting was to discuss between two nations . concerning the means to the curb the cold war arms race . gerard smith was put in charge of u.s delegation.
  • nixion presidency

    nixion presidency
    richard nixion wa the thirdy seventh u.s president. he is best remembered for being the only president to resign from office.he steped down half way during his second term as president. rather then being impeachment over his efforts to cover illegal activites by members of of his admininistraion. he had served two term as vice presi dent under eisenhower
  • apollo 11

    apollo 11
    american astronauts neil armstrong and edwin buzz aldrin became the first humans ever to land on the moon. armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon. as he took his first step on the moon.armstrong famously said that's one small step for man ,one giant leap for mankind. apollo 11 happened 8 years later after kennedy announced a national goal of landing a man on the moon.
  • nuclear non-proliferation treaty

    nuclear non-proliferation treaty
    the treaty of non-proliferation of nuclear wepons or NPT. this treaty is a landmark international treaty. the objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear wepons technology . to promote cooperation in the peaceful usees of nuclear energy. and further the goal of disarment by nuclear wepon states.
  • iranian revolution

    there was much poverty remained among iranian people. the gap between the rich and poor grew bigger. pahlavi dynasty was over thrown by reza shah. he was supported by the united states.
  • iran hostage crisis

    iran hostage crisis
    group of students stormed the united states embassy in tehran. taking more than 60 american hostages . the immediate cause of this action was president jimmy carters deccision to allow irans deposed shsh. a westeren autocrat who had been expelled from his country.
  • tiananmen square massacre

    tiananmen  square massacre
    chinese troops stormed through tiananmen square in the center of beijing. they killed and arrested thousands of pro democracy protesters. this brutal action of the chinese goverment assult on protesters shocked the west and brought denunications and sanctions from united states. the protesters were there for nearlt three weeks they marched and chanted.
  • dissolution of the soviet union

    on the day of christmas the soviet flag flew over the kremlin in moscow for the last time. 11 soviet republis announced they would no longer be apart of the soviet union . in stead they would delcear they would establish a caommonwealth of independent states. the once mighty soviet union had fallen. due to great number of radical reforms that soviet president had implemented during his six years.
  • nixion visits china

    nixion visits china
    nixions first step for normalizing relations with the communist peoples republic of china. nixion went to beijing for a week of talks. nixion did this so he could reestablish diplomatic relations between the united states.
  • vietnam war

    vietnam war
    In the Vietnam War about 2.5 million troops served during this war. About one-third of the men were drafted and the rest volunteered.The united states has made a pledge to support south Vietnam. The united states sent troops in order to prevent communist from spreading.