Russian History 1855-2000

  • Crimean War

  • Period: to

    Tsar Alexander II's rule

  • Emancipation Edict

  • Zemstva established

  • Conscription Act

  • Period: to

    Tsar Alexander III's rule

  • Sergei Witte became Russia's Finance Minister

  • Period: to

    Tsar Nicholas I's rule

  • Russo-Japanese War

  • Bloody Sunday

  • October Manifesto

  • Period: to

    World War I

  • International Women's Day march

  • Putilov Metal Works Protest

  • Period: to

    Lenin's time in power

  • October Revolution

    Bolsheviks overthrow Provisional Government
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

  • War Communism begins

    Industry was brought under state control and nationalised railways. Fines reintroduced too late or absent workers. Internal passports issued to keep workers in cities. Rationing increased with only soldiers being given adequate rations. Private trade was forbidden and money was replaced with ration tokens. Brought back grain requisitioning. Workers began being exploited again.
  • Kronstadt Rebellion

  • NEP (New Economic Policy)

    Lenin's economic policy in response to Kronstadt which was a step back towards small-scale capitalism as it promoted privatised business, trading, and a mixed-economy. Incredibly importantly, it ended grain requisitioning, however peasants had to sell any surplus and give grain to government as tax.
  • Period: to

    Stalin's time in power

  • First Five-Year Plan starts

  • Stalin starts collectivisation

  • Second Five Year Plan

  • Great Purge begins

  • The Great Terror

  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Grand Alliance formed

    Alliance between UK, Russia, and US. Triggered by German invasion of Russia and Pearl Harbour
  • Yalta Conference

    Divided Germany
  • Potsdam Conference

    Established that Germany would pay reparations to USSR. But they only received payments from eastern Germany, which was deeply impoverished.
  • Period: to

    Truman's presidency

  • Marshall Plan

    America's economic policy which offered financial aid to european countries, including Germany, to help revitalise their economies after WWII.
  • Moltov Plan

    USSR version of Marshall Plan
  • Berlin Blockade

    Attempt for USSR to halt unification of West Germany by depriving West Berlin of materials. US responded with the Berlin Airlift, essentially flying materials in.
  • People's Republic of China is formed

  • NATO is formed

    NATO is formed in response to the Berlin Blockade

    Council for Mutual Economic Assistance: Organization facilitated and coordinated economic development of Soviet-bloc countries. Its original members were the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.
  • Sino-Soviet Treaty

    Established an alliance between communist China and the USSR on the basis of them both being communist states. The USSR provided China with financial and military aid.
  • McCarthyism starts

  • Period: to

    Khrushchev's time in power

  • Period: to

    Eisenhower's presidency

  • Virgin Lands policy

    Pushed to utilise previously barren land. It was largely unsuccessful because the land was poor quality and did not produce substantial harvests.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Created after the formation of NATO and linked the USSR to surrounding eastern European countries like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Albania, Bulgaria, East Germany, Romania. Established the "Iron Curtain"
  • De-Stalinisation begins

    Khrushchev began to undo some of Stalin's harsher reforms such as tight censorship, released political prisoners, allowed freedom of speech, "eased up" on Soviet control in Warsaw countries. Generally attempted to make the USSR less oppressive.
  • Sputnik is launched

    The USSR launched the first satellite into space. This threatened the Americans because it suggested that the USSR was more advanced technologically and a threat. It put the USSR ahead in the space race.
  • Fidel Castro takes power

    Fidel Castro overthrows Batista regime and becomes president of Cuba.
  • Berlin Wall

    The wall was put up to prevent east Berliners from escaping to west Berlin after many people began migrating due to the dire conditions in the Soviet controlled sector of Berlin. People in east Berlin were separated from their families and were restricted from travel.
  • Period: to

    Kennedy's president

  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    The US had discovered USSR nuclear weapons in Cuba and tensions arose surrounding the use of nuclear weapons in response to the conflict. Cuba wanted the USSR to bomb America if they chose to retaliate and bomb Cuba. The conflict lasted 13 days and brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.
  • Period: to

    Johnson's presidency

  • Period: to

    Brezhnev's time in power

  • Detente

    Was a period of "peaceful coexistence" and an attempt to ease nuclear tensions during the Cold War.
  • Period: to

    Nixon's presidency

  • Salt I

    The US and USSR agreed to limit their number of ballistic missiles and the number of missile deployment sites.
  • Agreement on the Prevention of Nuclear War Act

    The USSR and US prohibited participating in any nuclear weapon activities. These included developing, testing, producing, and possessing nuclear weapons, as well as threatening to use nuclear weapons.
  • Period: to

    Ford's presidency

  • Period: to

    Carter's presidency

  • USSR sends troops to Afghanistan

  • Period: to

    Reagan's presidency

  • Period: to

    Gorbachev's time in power

  • Strategic Defence Initiate

  • Glasnost

    A policy of transparency and honesty from the USSR's government. It encouraged free discussion of politics among the people and media and promoted better communication between the government and soviet citizens.
  • Chernobyl disaster

  • Perestroika

  • Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty

  • Demokratizatsiya

  • Berlin Wall demonlished

  • Period: to

    Bush's presidency

  • Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty

  • Period: to

    Yeltsin's time in power