Cold War

By ctowey
  • Hiroshima

    US detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with the consent of the United Kingdom required by Quebec Agreement. This relates to the gaspire theme political because this created an all out war against many countries and a lot of tension between political leaders.
  • Creation of the "Iron Curtain"

    Creation of the "Iron Curtain"
    Boundary that separated the Warsaw Pact countries from the NATO countries. To the East of the Iron Curtain were the countries that were connected to the Soviet Union. Countries such as Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania.This connects to the Gaspire theme Geographical because this is based off of several countries and the separation between different societies.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    American program to aid Europe, and give support to help rebuild the European economies. The US wanted to rebuild a war-devastated region, remove trade barriers, and modernize the industry. This relates to the Gaspire theme of social because the US is trying to re-collect the drifted allegiance and help the UK.
  • Forming of NATO

    Forming of NATO
    The prospect of further Communist expansion prompted the US and 11 other Western nations to form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This connects to the gaspire theme intellectual because it showing the knowledge of all countries in their idea to create this.
  • Forming of Warsaw Pact

    Forming of Warsaw Pact
    The Soviet Union and its affiliated communist nations in Eastern Europe founded a rival alliance. This connects to the gaspire theme psychological because these countries are convincing themselves and each other that they should be trusted.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Fight between the US and the USSR over the world's resources. South Vietnam was an ally of the US and North Vietnam was and ally of the USSR. The US feared if North Vietnam won the war other countries in South Asia would fall into communism. This relates to the gaspire theme political because both countries and their leaders have a very different political view.
  • The U-2 Incident

    The U-2 Incident
    When a US U-2 spy plane was shot down over the airspace of the Soviet Union, the US first denied the plane's purpose and mission but then was forced to admit the role. This related to the gaspire theme of social because the US was too scared to fully explain themselves and did not want to blow their cover of spying.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    CIA sponsored American attack of the Cuban government in order to overthrow Fidel Castro. Cuba had already approached the UN with the facts about the US training mercenaries for this planned invasion. This relates to the gaspire theme psychological because they knew that the US was trying to keep quiet about their attack.
  • Creation of Berlin Wall

    Creation of Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was erected in the dead of night and for 28 years it kept East Germans from fleeing the West. This relates to the gaspire theme of Art because they had to design this wall to fit their needs.
  • Munich Olympics

    Munich Olympics
    The Olympic basketball game where the US played the USSR and the US had an apparent victory. Until they were told that the final three seconds of the game would be replayed for the third time. USSR ended up scoring after the final three seconds. This relates to cultural because it was two countries fighting for a victory through basketball.
  • Soviets enter Afganistan

    Soviets enter Afganistan
    This derives from when the Afghanistan's communist party took power which initiated a series of radical modernization reforms throughout the country that were forced and deeply unpopular. The relates to the gaspire theme of economics because this war really affected their countries economy.
  • Soviet Economy Stagnates

    Soviet Economy Stagnates
    Soviet economy was beginning to suffer from contraction and low growth. Some of this was caused by changes in the international sphere, such as the United States’ abandonment of the gold standard and the OPEC oil crisis. This relates to the gaspire theme of economics because that was the USSR's main focus to try and fix.
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
    The East Berlin's Communist Party announced a change in his city's relations with the West. Starting at midnight, he said, citizens of the GDR were free to cross the country's borders. This relates to the gaspire theme of religion because this separation probably affected their religious beliefs.
  • 2016 Election

    2016 Election
    The US government publicly announced in October that it was confident Russia orchestrated the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations of the Democratic Party.Those hacks resulted in the release of thousands of stolen emails, many of which included damaging things about the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton, the party's nominee. This relates to the gaspire theme of intellectual because the government knew that Russia had something to do with the election.
  • My Dad's Experience

    The Cold War was not greatly affected in Seattle at the time, but I do remember the Olympics being held and watching the basketball game on the television it was incredible. I also remember hearing about the Fall of the Berlin wall and actually had a friend over there and he said that it was all super crazy and there were people everywhere.