code talker

  • boarding school

    ned begay is sent to boarding school
  • high school

    Ned Begay liked to learn so he went to high school for navajos so that he could learn
  • Pearl harbor attack

    Japan bombs pearl harbor
  • US recruits navajos

    Navajos are told that the us marines want to recruit them
  • new recruit

    marines recruit Ned Begay
  • boot camp

    Ned Begay is sent to boot camp to train
  • Code school

    Ned Begay and his navajo friends practice their secret code
  • Going to Hawaii

    the code talkers are sent to hawaii where they will be sent on ships to the battle front
  • bouganville

    the marines attack bouganville in hope to take the island
  • Guam

    the marines recover the former us island guam
  • Marianas Islands

    The marines take over the marianas islands
  • Iwo Jima

    the marines take the highly strategic position of Iwo Jima from the Japanese
  • The atom bomb

    The us drop bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing hundreds of thousands
  • going home

    Emperor Hirohito surrenders