Civil War Battles Timeline

By CarinaV
  • Fort Sumter, South Carolina

    Confederate soldiers attack Fort Sumter which belongs to the Union and the Civil War begins.
  • First Battle of Bull Run, Virginia

    Confederate soldiers under General Stonewall Jackson beat back the Union's advance on Richmond and this battle became a major victory for them.
  • Battle of Hampton Roads (Battle of the Ironclads)

    This was a battle between two ironclad ships, the Confederate's Merrimack and the Union's Monitor. The result of this battle was a draw.
  • Shiloh, Tennessee

    General Grant defeats the Confederates' counterattack and he continues the Union's advance in the west. He is able to gain control of part of the Mississippi River.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    David Farragut captured New Orleans and the entire Mississippi River became controlled by the Union.
  • Antietam, Maryland

    Under General McClellan, the Union troops stop Lee's invasion of Maryland. The Union victory prevents Britain from recognizing the Confederacy, and Lincoln uses their victory to announce the Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Chancellorsville, Virginia

    Union soldiers suffer a major defeat against Lee's Confederate soldiers and their advancement is Richmond is halted, but the Confederacy loses General Stonewall Jackson.
  • Vicksburg Campaign

    Union troops under General Grant lay siege to Vicksburg, Mississippi.
  • Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

    Union troops stop Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania, there are many casualties, and Lee retreats and never again invades the North.
  • Atlanta, Georgia

    Union forces under General Sherman take Atlanta and this helps Lincoln to get re-elected as president.
  • Appomattox

    General Grant forces Lee to surrender, ending the Civil War.