
Civil War

  • Cooper Institute

    Cooper Institute
    Lincoln talks at the cooper instiute in ny
  • Classes Begin

    Classes begin at Seminary of Higer Learning at Pineville
  • President

    Abraham Lincoln is elected into the preedential seat.
  • convention of southern states

    georgia calls for a convention of southern states to form an independent nation
  • Seccede

    South Carolina sceeded from the U.S.
  • Approval for Seccession

    S.C.'s convention officialy approves the ordinance of seccession
  • New Govenor

    Gov. George W. Pickens takes office
  • Withdrawn

    S.C reps withdraw from the us house
  • Arsenal

    federal arsenal falls in the hands of the rebels
  • Notification

    charleston is notified that armed forces are coming their way
  • Confederats Form

    Confederats Form
    The confederates form with Jefferson Davis
  • Inaugaration

    Abraham Lincoln has his inaugaration.
  • Fort Sumpter

    Fort Sumpter
    The confederates open fire on Fort Sumpter in South Carolina.
  • Call to Duty

    Call to Duty
    Abe Lincoln called for 75.000 soilders to go end the the problem at Fort Sumpter.
  • Rejection

    Robert E. Lee rejected the offer from Abe. Lincoln to command the Union army.
  • Blockade

    Lincoln oders a blockade on the ports of the confederate army.
  • Robert E. Lee Resigns

    Robert E. Lee Resigns
    Robert E. Lee resigns his commission in the U.S army. Claiming that he can't turn his back on his birth place.
  • First Battle

    First Battle
    The first battle at Bull Run takes place. The union army suffers a defeat at bull run.
  • Commander of the Potomac

    Commander of the Potomac
    Lincoln appointed George B McClellan as commander of the department of the potomac.
  • McClellan General-In-Cheif

    McClellan General-In-Cheif
    McClellan is given the task as the general-in-cheif of all of the union forces. Following the resignation of Winfield.
  • General War No.1

    General War No.1
    Lincoln calls for general war no. 1. Issuing all U.S Naval and land forces to begin a general advance by Feb 22.
  • Win for Grant

    Win for Grant
    Ulysses S. Grant gains a victory in Tennesee. He captured Fort Henery and later Fort Donelson. Here he was nicknames " Unconditional Surrender"
  • A Tragic Death

    A Tragic Death
    President Lincoln is saddend by the sudden death of his eleven year old son Willie. Cause of death was a fever.
  • Surprise-Shiloh

    Confederate surprise attack on Grants men. 13.000 union men were killed and 10,000 confederates. The president thinks he should fire Grant but he resists.
  • Union Ships

    17 union ships under the command of David Farragut move up the Mississippi in hopes of taking over New Orleans the Souths greatest seaport.
  • Seven Pines

    Gen. Johnstons army attacks McClellans army in richmond and almost deafeats them. It was called the Battle of Seven Pines. Here Johnston was severly injured.
  • Replacment

    General Robert E. Lee takes command. Replacing Johnston. Lee renames the force the Army of Northern Virgina.
  • Old Brains

    After comanding the army himself Lincoln appoints General Henery W. Halleck (old brains)
  • Battle of Bull Run #2

    75,000 federals under gen. john pope are defeated by 55,000 confederates under the command of Stonewall Jackson
  • Lee's Invasion

    Lee invades the north. He has with him 50,000 confederates and headed for Harpers Ferry.
  • Emancipation Proclimation

    Abe Lincoln issued the finale Emancipation Proclimation freeing all slaves in the United States
  • Replacing Burnside

    President appoints Gen. Joseph Hooker to man the army at the Potomac. Replacing Burnside
  • Mission: Capture VIcksburg

    General Grant is given the control of the Army in the West and is given the mission to cature vicksburg
  • A blow to the confederates

    Stonewall dies from his extreme wounds
  • #5

    The fifth Gen. to command the Northern army is appointed. General George G. Meade
  • Tides Turn

    The war turns in the Norths favor after the South is defeated in Gettysburg
  • Riots

    Anti-draft riots start in NYC
  • Fred + Abe

    The president meets with african american abolitionist Fredrick Douglas
  • Gereral Grant

    Grant is put in charge of all opperations in the western theater by Lincoln
  • Gettysburg Address

    Abe Lincoln gives a short two minute speach at the location of the Gettysburg battle. Decalring the land as a National cemetary for the fallen.
  • Grant's in charge

    Lincoln puts Grant in charge of all U.S armies
  • A huge mistake

    Grant makes a big mistake and it ends up causing 7,000 deaths in 20 minutes.
  • Seige of Petersburg

    the union men miss a chance to capture petersburg and cut off confederate rail lines leading to a nine month seige at petersburg
  • G. B. McClellan

    Democrats nominate George B McClellan to run against Lincoln
  • Atlanta Captured

    Sherman and his men capture Atlanta
  • Union Victory in Shenandoah

    Calavary general G. Sheridan dominates over Jubal Earlys troops
  • Re-Election

    Lincoln is re-elected into office
  • The march begins

    Sherman beings his march to sea with 62.000 men at his side after destroying Atlantas warehouse
  • Hood's Failed Rebellion

    Hood's rebel army of 23.000 is destroyed at Nashville.
  • Shermans Destruction

    Sherman reaches Savannah Georgia. On his way to his destination he left a 300 mile trail of destruction.
  • 13th Ammendment

    The U.S congress approves the 13th ammendment to abolish slavery
  • Peace Meeting

    A peace conference in held between the confederate vice president Alexander Stephans and Lincoln
  • Innaugaration

    innaugaration ceremony in washington is held for lincoln
  • Robert E. Lee Surrenders

    R. E. Lee surrenders to the U. S. Grant
  • Celebrations

    Washington breaks out into celebrations.
  • Shot

    Abe Lincoln is shot in Fords theatre while seeing a play with his wife by John Wilkes Booth
  • Lincoln is Dead

    Lincoln is pronounced dead at 7:22 in the morning
  • Surrender

    Joseph E Johnston surrenders to Shurman
  • Booth is Killed

    Booth is found,shot, and killed.
  • Laid to rest

    Laid to rest
    Lincoln is laid to rest in Oak ridge cemetary
  • Buying the Theatre

    Buying the Theatre
    100,000 is out to the side by congress to buy Fords theatre
  • Override

    president andrew johnsons veto is overridden by congress
  • Cholera

    the cholera epidemic breaks out in NY
  • Winfield Scott

    Winfield Scott
    Winfield Scott dies at West Point
  • 14th Ammendment

    14th Ammendment
    The 14th ammendment is approved by congress
  • Rattified

    New Hampshire rattifies the 14th ammendment
  • Secret Service Investigation

    Secret Service Investigation
    S.S starts an investigation on the KKK
  • Peace with Texas

    Peace with Texas
    Andrew Johnson issues a peace proclimation to the state of Texas
  • 6th anniversary

    6th anniversary
    The 6th anniversary of the seccession
  • Gaining Rights

    Gaining Rights
    Aferican Americans gain the right to vote in Washington D.C
  • Rejection

    virginia rejects the 14th ammendment
  • Ratification

    wisconsin rattifies the 14th ammendment
  • Nebraska

    Nebraska becomes a state
  • Military in Maryland

    Military in Maryland
    federal army restores rule in maryland
  • Reconstruction

    2end reconstruction act is passed by congress over the presidents veto
  • Purchasing Alaska

    Purchasing Alaska
    William H. Seward signs a treaty with russia buying alaska for 2 cents an acre
  • Alaska

    the purchase of alaska is rattified by the senate
  • Suspended

    the president suspends edwin stanton
  • Russia's Gift

    Russia's Gift
    Russia give the U.S Alaska