Civil Rights 1865-1965

  • Thirteenth Amendment

    Thirteenth Amendment
    The Thirteenth Amendement formally abolished slavery in the United States. This event marks the beginning of modern civil rights movement in the United States.
  • Fourteenth Amendment

    Fourteenth Amendment
    This amendement to the US Constitution more clearly defined citizenship and gave African Americans their citizenship. this marked an important first step in obtaining full rights.
  • Fifteenth Amendment

    Fifteenth Amendment
    This amendment to the US Constitution gave African Americans the right to vote. However, many factors, including the poll tax, literacy tests, and Jim Crow laws, prevented African Americans from voting.
  • Plessey vs. Ferguson

    Plessey vs. Ferguson
    Court case which upheld the constitutionality of segregation in public areas under the doctrine of separate but equal. However, many of these areas were separate, but not equal in any way. this court case marked an unfortunate setback in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Nineteenth Amendment

    Nineteenth Amendment
    This amendment to the US Constitution guaranteed women the right to vote. This was an important step in expanding the Civil Rights Movement to other groups, such as women. Even today, however, women are still discriminated against in many situations.
  • Executive Order of 1948

    Executive Order of 1948
    This executive ruling abolished segregation in the armed forces. For the first time, blacks and whites could serve together in uniform.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    This court case declared that segregation in America's school was unconstitutional and marked the beginning of the complete desegregation of american schools. For the first time, children of all races could attend school together.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
    Rosa Parks, a citizen of Montgomery, Alabama, refused to give up her seat for at the front of a bus for a white passenger. this act of civil disobedience sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, one of the major civil disobedience demonstrations of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    This was the boycott of the Montgomery public transit system in Alabama. The yearlong boycott resulted in massive financial deficit for the Montgomery public transit system and a supreme court decision later ruled that the segregation of Alabama's public transit system was unconstitutional.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957

    Civil Rights Act of 1957
    Legislation signed into effect by President Eisenhower that established the Justice Department as a guarantor of the right to vote, especially for African Americans. This legislation inaugurated an extensive civil rights legislative program.
  • 24th amendment August 27, 1962

    24th amendment August 27, 1962
    prohibits both Congress and the states from conditioning the right to vote in federal elections on payment of a poll tax or other types of tax. The amendment was proposed by Congress to the states on August 27, 1962, and was ratified by the states on January 23, 1964.
  • Civil rights act

    Civil rights act
    It ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public
  • Voting rights act 1965

    Voting rights act 1965
    outlawed discriminatory voting practices that had been responsible for the widespread disenfranchisement of African Americans in the U.S
  • Civil rights act 1968

    Civil rights act 1968
    Provided equal housing regardless of race.