
  • Period: to

    Claas self propelled chopper

  • Jaguar 60 SF

    Jaguar 60 SF
    First self propelled chopper
  • Jaguar 80 SF

    Jaguar 80 SF
    came with a cab and had a wider chopping drum to increase productivity
  • Jaguar 70 SF

    Jaguar 70 SF
    come with the choice of a 150 hp or a 175 hp engine
  • Jaguar 675, 680,685, 690

    Jaguar 675, 680,685, 690
    made a metal detector to be put in the bottom roller to keep farmers from running metal into the feed
  • AGUAR 695 SL, 695 MEGA, 690 SL, 685 SL, 682 SL, 682 S

    AGUAR 695 SL, 695 MEGA, 690 SL, 685 SL, 682 SL, 682 S
    offered a more user-friendly cab and put a v head which allowed more knives on the head
  • JAGUAR 880, 860, 840, 820, 800 SL, 800 S

    JAGUAR 880, 860, 840, 820, 800 SL, 800 S
    engine was installed behind the steering axle to optimum supply of cooling air and easy access to the inside of the machine
  • JAGUAR 900, 890, 870, 850, 830

    JAGUAR 900, 890, 870, 850, 830
    blades could now be sharpened from the driver seat and the machines now have road gear whcih top out at 20mph
  • JAGUAR 980, 970, 960, 950, 940, 930

    JAGUAR 980, 970, 960, 950, 940, 930
    designed an auto fill dydtem that automatically controlled wagon-filling process

    first self propelled chopper to be factory made with tracks