Chinese History Timeline

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    Taiping Rebellion

    The Taiping Rebellion was a civil war in China against the Qing Dynasty. People were rebelling to achieve social reforms such as, equality for women, and the replacement of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Chinese Folk Religion for their form of Christianity. The French and British forces helped the Chinese end the rebellion.
  • Wuchang Uprising

    Wuchang Uprising
    The Wuchang Uprising is the uprising that is credited with putting an end to the Qing Dynasty. This is also what brought in the People's Republic of China. There were 5,000 casualties during the rebellion. The uprising began by an accidental bombing.
  • The Founding Date of the Republic of China

    In the beginning of the year 1912, Sun Yat-sen, of the Nationalist Party, becomes the president of the new republic of China. Afterwards, he gave it to Yuan Shikai who gave himself the title of Emperor of China. He was later made to change it back to a republic.
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    Northern Expedition

    This expidition was a two-year long military campaign led by the KMT. It's primary objective was to unify China under one-rule. It ended the Warlord Era, unified China, and established the Nanking government. The strength proportion of the opponents was 250,000:1,000,000.
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    Mukden Incident

    The Mukden incident was a staged event by the Japanese before they attacked Manchuria. A small amount of dynamite is set off by Lt. Kawamoto Suemori. The Japanese blame it on China and launch their attack on Manchuria.
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    Long March

    The Long March was a military retreat by the Communist Party of China to escape the pursuit of the KMT. There were multiple marches within the one year time span, not one long march. The most well known march is the one out of the province of Jiangxi. The first front army was led by an inexperienced military commission.
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    Second Sino-Japanese War

    The Second-Sino Japanese War was fought between the Chinese and the Japanese Empire. The Chinese were financially assisted by the United States of America, Germany, and the Soviet Union. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, this war conjoined with the Second World War.
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    Nanking Massacre

    This massacre was a mass murder and mass rape against Nanking by Japanese Troops during the Second Sino-Japanese War. About 300,000 Chinese civilians were killed during this massacre.Many of the perpetrators were found guilty at the International Military Tribunal of the Far Middle East.
  • Founding of People's Republic of China

    The People's Republic of China began when the Qing Dynasty fell. This is when communism rose in China, creating a Red China. It was mainly founded by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao. This new system for China is based off of Lenin's theories of democratic centralism.
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    Great Leap Forward

    The Great Leap Forward was a social and economic campaign by the Communist Party of China. Through rapid industrialization, Mao Zedong tried to transform China from an Agrarian society to a Communist society. Mao Zedong was later criticized for the negative effects from the communist change.
  • Chinese Capitalists move capital to Taiwan

    Chinese Capitalists move capital to Taiwan
    The capital of China was moved to Taiwan under Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek's rule. This was establsihed to signify the end of a long struggle between Chinese Nationalists and Chines Communists.This change was also made to help foreign countries recognize China as new communist country. 
  • seventeen point agreement with tibet

    This agreement between Tibet and China gave the PROC official sovereignty over Tibet. The Chinese recognize the treaty as a document that was welcomed equally by the people of Tibet and the Tibetian government. This took effect because the Tibetan army lost to the Chinese Army in 1950.
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    Cultural Revolution

    This event was a decade long social-political movement set into motion by Mao Zedong. The revolution gravely affected China politically, socially, and economically. The goals of the movement were stated to be: enforce communism and impose Maoist orthodoxy.
  • China admitted into the un

    The Republic of China being an illegal form of China could not represent China in the United Nations, while the People's Republic of China could. Their current United Nations representative is Li Baodong. Although two Chinas effectively exist, The PROC is currently recognized by th UN.
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    nixon visits china

    For one week in February, Nixon gives America the first look on the PROC in two decades. He met with Mao Zedong, who was then the current president of China. Nixon and his wife toured schools, hospitals, and factories in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou.
  • Gang of Four Arrested

    Gang of Four Arrested
    After Mao Zedong's death, with the army and support of the Marshall, Ye Jianying, the Special Unit 8341 had all members of the Gang of Four arrested. During this arrest, no blood was shed by either parties. Hua Guofeng denounced the Gang of Four in 1976.
  • One child policy instituted

    One child policy instituted
    This policy was instituted to lesson social, economic, and environmental problems. Approximately, 35.9% of China's population must obtain this policy. Some families that choose to have more than one child have to suffer the consequences of poverty or a forced abortion.
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    Tiananmen Square

    The Tiananmen Square protests were protests started by college students at a town square. They were looking to achieve democracy in China, the downfall of Communism, and better college conditions. The students' protests grew to hunger strikes, sit-ins, etc. Not only did students protests but other civilians did as well. The protests were put down by tanks and guns bombarding the city.
  • Hong Kong returned to China

    Hong Kong returned to China
    Prior to 1997, Hong Kong was property of the United Kingdom. The Treaty of Nanking, the Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong, and the Treaty of Beijing gave Britian the sovereignty over Hong Kong and th small islands around it. After 99 years, Britain returned Hong Kong in what some call the "Return" and what others call the "Handover". 
  • Macau returned to China

    This transfer of sovereignty was passed form the Portuguese Republic to the People's Republic of China. The Portuguese Treaty of Nanking gave the property of Macau to Portugal. The Macau Basic Law gives Macau a high level of autonomy although it is now property of China.
  • Hainan Island incident

    Hainan Island incident
    The Hainan Island Incident occured when an Americal Naval intelligence aircraft and a Chinese aircraft collided in Hainan Island. This caused an international dispute. The part of the South China Sea the event occured over comprises an exclusive economic zone.
  • Building of the three gorges dam

    Building of the three gorges dam
    This is a hydroelectric dam across the Yangtze River that recently completed it's consturction. Not only was this dam created to produce electricity, but it was also created to increase the Yangtze's shipping capacity and decrease potential flooding situations. This is a step forward for eliminating greenhouse gases for China.