Charles Darwin (February 1809–April 1882)

  • Birth

    Charles Darwin is born, February, 1809 ("Charles Darwin", 2019). References:
    “Charles Darwin.” National Geographic Society, 22 Aug. 2019,
  • The Start

    Subsequent to his return from a voyage, in 1836, the analysis of plants and animals led him to question how species form and change overtime. This was the beginning of his concept of natural selection and evolution, in which he also studied mocking birds, in which he theorized that the different mocking birds shared ancestors ("Charles Darwin", 2019). References:
    “Charles Darwin.” National Geographic Society, 22 Aug. 2019,
  • The Theory

    Overtime, developed the theory that natural selection, which says, that individuals of a species have a higher chance of surviving in their environment and pass genes to the next generation, when they inherit traits from their parents, whom were best suited for that environment ("Charles Darwin", 2019). References:
    “Charles Darwin.” National Geographic Society, 22 Aug. 2019,
  • Picture to Demonstrate Theory of Evolution.

    This image depicts Darwin's concept of evolution.
    Evolution Doesn't Proceed in a Straight Line, so Why Draw It That Way?, 3 Sept. 2019,
  • On The Origin of Species

    In 1859, Darwin officially published a book, in which he officially proposed that species evolve, or, "descent with modification" and that they can be traced to ancestors. This book posed a new school of thought for the society and how they view science . References:
    “Darwin, Evolution, & Natural Selection.” Khan Academy, Khan Academy, Accessed 22 Nov, 2020.
  • Video About Evolution The video shows the basic concept of evolution and natural selection and how Darwin developed and further studied the idea. It draws out a map to his timeline, briefly.
  • Death

    Charles Darwin passes away ("Charles Darwin", 2019). References:
    “Charles Darwin.” National Geographic Society, 22 Aug. 2019,