Chapter 3

  • Monroe Doctrine

    Policy towards the Western Hemisphere
  • Midway Islands Annexed by US

    The US takes possession of the trans-pacific Midway Island.
  • United States purchases Alaska from Russia

  • US annexes Hawaii

    US annexes Hawaii
    The Joint Resolution passed and the US annexed Hawaii
  • U.S. tariffs cause Hawaiian Sugar Cane prices to rise

  • Grover Cleveland elected president

    2nd time^^^^
  • Period: to

    American Economic Depression

    Also known as the Great Depression
  • Cuban separatists revolt against Spanish rule

    Cuban separatists revolt against Spanish rule
  • Spain institutes reconcentration on Cubans

    Spain institutes reconcentration on Cubans
    Caused by an uprising that concerned Spanish authorities
  • Philippine (Filipino) Rebels revolt against Spain

    Philippine (Filipino) Rebels revolt against Spain
    Started a war with the US and with Spain
  • President McKinley elected to First term

    President McKinley elected to First term
  • President McKinley sends USS Maine to Havana with Spain's permission

    President McKinley sends USS Maine to Havana with Spain's permission
  • De Lôme Letter

    De Lôme Letter
    A personal letter written by Spanish ambassador Enrique Dupuy de Lôme that sparked a reaction
  • Spanish American war begins

    Spanish American war begins
    Ended Spain’s colonial role in America
  • U.S. captures Philippines from Spain

    U.S. captures Philippines from Spain
    Spanish government ceded the Philippines to the US
  • Teller Amendment

    Teller Amendment
    An amendment to a joint resolution of the United States Congress
  • Equiano Aguinaldo captured by U.S. forces in Philippines

    Equiano Aguinaldo captured by U.S. forces in Philippines
  • China divided into "spheres of influence

    Different European nations had control over china’s ports
  • Open door policy

    Support of trade with China
  • Boxer rebellion in china

    Two German missionaries were killed in china
  • President McKinley re-elected to Second Term

  • Foraker Act

    Established government on the island of Puerto Rico
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes President

  • Platt Amendment

    Outlined the role and authority of the US in cuba
  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

    Exclusive agreement between Panama and the US
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    stated that the U.S. would interfere in Latin American countries where European powers wanted to collect debts