Chapter 12-21

By ilow
  • 500 BCE

    13.1, West Africa, West Africans Found Iron

    Around 500 BC, the West Africans discovered that they could melt particular kinds of rock to make iron, the strongest metal.
  • Period: 500 BCE to

    Chapter 13, Early African Civilizations

    This includes four sections: geography and early Africa, the empire of Ghana, layer empires, and historical and artistic traditions.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 1537

    Chapter 16, The Early Americas

    The Early Americas include the Maya’s, Aztecs, and the Incas. All three of the people groups practiced polytheism, the belief in many gods.
  • 105

    14.2, China, Paper Was Invented

    According to the legend, a man named Cai Lin invented paper during the Han dynasty in 105 AD.
  • 250

    16.1, Mesoamerica, The Maya Civilization Reached it’s Height

    The Maya civilization reached its peak in about AD 250 and 900. This is known as the Classic Age.
  • 300

    13.2, West Africa, Soninke began to band together

    Around 300 BC, Soninke began to band together to protect themselves against the nomadic herder. That was the beginning of Ghana.
  • 400

    17.1, Europe, Saint Patrick was Born

    Patrick was born in the 400s. While growing up, he was kidnapped in Britain and taken to Ireland where he had to work as a shepherd. He ended up to be a monk who helped the Irish convert to Christianity.
  • Period: 400 to 1200

    Chapter 17, The Early Middle Ages

    The four sections in this chapter talks about its geography, Europe after the fall of Rome, feudalism and manor life, and feudal societies, a compare and contrast between the feudal societies in Japan and Europe.
  • 480

    17.2, Northern Europe, Franks Conquered Gaul

    In the 480s, a group called the Franks conquered the Gauls, now known as France. Under their leader Clovis, the Franks became Christian and created one of the strongest kingdoms in Europe.
  • 550

    15.1, Japan, Buddhism is Introduced

    In 550, Buddhism came to Japan from Korea.
  • Period: 550 to

    Chapter 12, The Islamic World

    The four sections in this chapter includes: the Roots of Islam, Islamic Beliefs and Practices, Islamic Empires, and Cultural Achievements.
  • Period: 550 to

    Chapter 15, Japan

    There are three sections in this chapter. The first section talks about the geography and Early Japan, the second talks about the art and culture in Heian, and the third’s about the growth of a military society.
  • 570

    12.1, Mecca, Muhammad Was Born

    In around 570 AD, the prophet Mohammed was born in Mecca. He started the religion of Islam when he spread the message of God.
  • Period: 589 to

    Chapter 14, China

    This includes four sections: China Reunifies, the Tang (618-960) and Song (960-1279)Achievements, Confucianism, and the Yuan (1206-1368)and Ming (1368-1644) Dynasties.
  • 618

    14.1, China, a New Dynasty Started

    In 618, the Tang Dynasty started when a Sui official overthrew the old government.It ruled for almost 300 years.
  • 711

    12.3, Spain, Arab and Berber Invaded Spain

    In around 711 AD, a combined Berber and Arab army invaded Spain and easily conquered it.
  • Period: 1000 to 1500

    Chapter 18, The Later Middle Ages

    This chapter includes four sections: Popes and Kings, the Crusades, Christianity and Medieval Society, Political and Social Change, and Challenges to Church Authority.
  • 1054

    18.1, Europe, Pope Leo IX Excommunicated The Bishop of Constantinople

    When the bishop of Constantinople would not recognize the pope’s authority, he decided to excommunicate the bishop, creating a permanent split between the church. People on the bishop’s side created the Orthodox Church, and people on the pope’s side created the Roman Catholic Church.
  • 1100

    15.2, Japan, Zen Buddhism Arrived

    In about the 1100s, Zen Buddhism arrived from China to Japan. Unlike Pure Land Buddhism that chants Buddha's name and held expensive rituals, Zen Buddhism focuses on self discipline and meditation.
  • 1122

    17.3, Europe, Eleanor of Aquitaine was Born

    In about 1122, Eleanor was born. She ruled Aquitine, a place in France and then ruled in England.
  • 1182

    18.3, Italy, Saint Francis Was Born

    Francis was born as the son of a wealthy merchant in Assis, Italy. In his later years, he preached and tended to people who were ill. Within a few years, other in visuals began to copy his simple lifestyle.
  • 1206

    14.4, China, Genghis Khan United China

    The Mongols were one of the nomadic people that attacked China. In 1206, a powerful leader named Temüjin united them. He was later given the title Genghis Khan, meaning “Universal Ruler”.
  • 1255

    13.3, Mali, Sundiata Died

    Sundiata died around 1255. The rulers that ruled after his death were mostly Muslim, unlike Sundiata himself.
  • Period: 1270 to

    Chapter 19, The Renaissance and Reformation

    This chapter focuses on three sections: the Italian renaissance, the renaissance beyond Italy, and the reformation of Christianity
  • 1281

    15.3, Japan, the Mongols Attacked Again

    After their first invasion failed in 1274, they invaded Japan again in 1281. Once again, the Japanese were saved by the weather (kamikaze), sending the Mongols to flee.
  • 1291

    18.2, Palestine, The Crusades Ended

    By 1291, the Muslims took back the Holy Land and the Crusades finally ended. There are many reasons to why the Crusades could have failed.
  • 1320

    12.4, Ibn Battutah Traveled to Africa, India, China, and Spain

    The explorer traveled to Africa, India, China, and Spain in the 1320s to develop better ways for calculating distances.
  • 1328

    18.4, France, King Charles IV Died

    In 1328, the king of France died with no sons to take over, so two men took over his throne. One was French and the other was from England. The French man became king in the end.
  • 1353

    13.4, West Africa, Ibn Battutah traveled through the region

    From 1353 to 1354, he traveled through the entire region of West Africa.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Chapter 20, Science and Exploration

    This includes three sections: The Scientific Revolution, Great Voyages of Disovery, and New Systems of Trade.
  • 1434

    19.1, Florence, Cosimo Ruled Florence

    He wanted Florence to be a beautiful city, so he hired artists to decorate his palace. He also valued education and built libraries and collected books.
  • 1451

    18.5, Spain, Queen Isabella was Born

    She was born in the year of 1451 and died in 1504. Though she’s considered one of the greatest monarchs in Spanish history, she was never actually the queen of Spain. She was the queen of Castile but had no power in Aragon, her husband’s kingdom. Both of them ruled both kingdoms in practice.She made many great contributions to Spanish society.
  • 1471

    16.3, South America, Pachacuti Died

    In about 1438, he became the Inca ruler. Under his rule, the Inca Empire began a period of great expansion.
  • 1483

    19.3, Europe, Martin Luther Was Born

    Martin Luther was the person who nailed the 95 Theses to the church door. Soon, others began to disagree with the church’s practices as well. This caused a split between the Catholics and Protestants.
  • 1489

    16.2, America, the Spanish Arrived

    In the late 1400s, the Spanish arrived int h Americas. Later in 1519, one group called the conquistadors reached Mexico. They wanted to find gold, claim land, and convert the native people to Catholicism.
  • 1498

    20.2, Africa, Vasco de Gama Sailed Sailed Around Africa

    In 1498, Vasco de Gama Sailed around Africa and landed in India. He found a sea route to Asia.
  • 1543

    20.1, Europe, Copernicus Published a Book

    In 1543, a person named Nicholas Copernicus wrote a book that proved Ptolemy’s theory wrong. He believed that the sun was the center of the universe.
  • 1564

    19.2, England, William Shakespeare Was Born

    He was born in 1964. He wrote more than 30 plays and became the greatest playwright of all time.
  • 14.3, China, the Qing Dynasty Started

    The Qing dynasty ruled from the 1600s to the early 1900s.
  • 17.4, Japan, Haiku was Created

    In the 1600s, Japanese poets created haiku, three line poems with 17 syllables in it.
  • 21.3, England, The Civil War Started

    The conflict between the English monarch and parliament led to a civil war in 1642. Oliver Cromwell, the representative for the Parliament took over the country and became dictator. The king, Charles I was charged with many crimes and beheaded in 1649. Cromwell’s rule was troubled and violent.
  • Period: to

    Chapter 21, Enlightenment and Revolution

    This chapter includes three sections: Ideas of the Enlightenment, New Views on Government, and the Age of Revolution.
  • 20.3, Europe, the Girl with a Pearl Earing Was Written

    The Girl with a Pearl Earing was written by Johannes Vermeer in 1665.
  • 21.1, France, Voltaire Was Born

    Voltaire was born in 1694 in France.He used his sense of justice and intelligence to make fun of religious intolerance. He argued that the purpose of life comes through the progress in science and arts.
  • 21.2, London, Benjamin Franklin Went to London

    In 1766, philosopher and scientist Benjamin Franklin went to London argue with the House of Commons in Parliament. He argued that the British government had no right to tax the colonists. He believed that taxation without representation is wrong.
  • M.E, Chapter 13, West Africa, Mosques today

    Some of the mosques created by Mansa Musa can still be seen today.
  • M.E, Chapter 14, China, the Impact of Arts Today

    Porcelain Became very popular in the West, it became known as chinaware.
  • M.E, Chapter 15, Mordern Samurai Today

    Many people study the same martial arts like sword fighting the the samurai practiced. Although the samurai class no longer continued in the 1800s, their values still continue to live.
  • M.E, Ch. 12, Indonesia, Muslims Today

    Indonesia no way has the largest Muslim population in the world. Way back in 570, Muhammad spread the religion of Islam that lasted until today.
  • M.E, Chapter 16, Mordern Causeways

    The Aztecs made causeways, roads raised above water. The causeways today are long roads raised above a large body of water.
  • M.E, Chapter 17, Geography of Europe Today

    The geography of Europe influenced the development of different ways of life. Along the Mediterranean in Southern Europe, farmers grow olives and other crops in warmer and drier places. The geography back then influenced the way of living today.
  • M.E, Chapter 18, Christianity Today

    The split of the church influenced the different types of Christianity today like Orthodox Christianity and Roman Catholic.
  • M.E, Chapter 19, Printing Today

    Johann Gutenberg’s printing press made printing easier for the people. Printing today is less complicated than it was back then. The evolution got better from the to time t9 create new technology.
  • M.E, Chapter 20, How We Study the Universe Today

    If Galileo wasn’t the first person to study the sky with a telescope, our view of science would be very different today. He proved that Copernicus was right- the sun was the center of the universe, not the earth.The generation
    today is based on Galileo’s discovery.
  • M.E, Chapter 21, Democratic Ideas Today

    Some of the Enlightment thinkers long ago started to question of rule by divine right. Some even developed completely new ideas of how governments should work. These ideas from the Enlightment influenced greatly to the creation of modern democracy. Many countries today are democratic.