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Chapter 1 & 2 Timeline

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    Qin Period

    Qin Period
    The Qin state was the most innovative of the states. Persued legalist oppurtunities.
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    Founded during the Warring States Period. Confusism and Daoism are "rival" beliefs.
  • Oct 13, 1000

    Celtic Europe

    Celtic Europe
    Great climate for ag. Great trade routes.
  • Oct 13, 1045

    Zhou Period

    Zhou Period
    The Zhou overthrew the Shang in the mid-eleventh period. Lasted from 1045-220 BCE.
  • Oct 23, 1200

    Metallurgy Iron

    Metallurgy Iron
    Also known as the Iron Age. The use of iron skyrocketed between 1200-1500 BCE.
  • Oct 13, 1500

    New Egypt

    New Egypt
    The start of the trade routes becoming more frequent. The New Egypt period was the pinnacle of Egypt's power.
  • Babylon

    Formed by the Semitic Armoites. Founded around 1750 BCE.
  • Shang Period

    Shang Period
    By 2000 BCE they began making Bronze Tools. Not much is known, since written records began near the end of the period.
  • Hammurabi

    Famous for the "Law Code's." Made Babylon the capital.
  • Mandate of Heaven

    Mandate of Heaven
    The Mandate of Heaven was held by the ruler of the land. It is the link between the Gods and the people.
  • Xia Period

    Xia Period
    The Bamboo Annuals kept the record of whom suceeded whom and records of that sort. Yu the Great was the succeeder of the Shang dynasty.
  • Warring States Period

    Warring States Period
    The second half of the Zhou period. The tension of the states was at its peak.
  • Meroe

    In the eight century, a powerful new kingdom arose in the South.
    Lasted till 350 BCE.
  • Middle Egypt

    Middle Egypt
    The 11th, 12th, and part of the 13th dynasties make up the Kingdoms of Middle Egypt. The period lasted untill about 1700 BCE.
  • Indus River Valley

    Indus River Valley
    The civilazation flourished till about 1900 BCE. The main cities were Harrappa and Mojenjo-Daro.
  • Nubia

    Nubia is rich in natural resources such as gol, copper, and iron. Just like Egypt, the main resource of Nubia was the Nile River.
  • Hieroglyphics

    Hieroglyphics were Egypt's writing system. The system matched alphabetical and pictoral symbols together.
  • Mesopatamia

    One of the world's first big settlements. Also the system of the Tigris and Euphraties river.
  • Cuneiform

    Cuneiform is the earliest known writing system. Written on clay tablets.
  • Americas

    Many people believe that the Americas were formed through a migration from Asia. The migraters went via sea and the land bridge between
    Siberia and Alaska.
  • Sumerians

    Spoke Semitic. Were at the beginning of the "historical period."
  • Old Egypt

    Old Egypt
    Lived on the Nile. Split into Upper Egypt and LOwer Egypt.
  • Daoism

    Daoism is a religion based on the beliefs of Tao Te Ching. having harmon within ones elf is a goal for Daoists.
  • Bronze Mettalurgy

    Bronze Mettalurgy
    Used by the Mesos, bronze is an alloy matal. Copper is a combination on different metals.