Phone history


By 1177166
  • Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone
    Alexander was trying to create a voice transmitting device but eventually called his product the telephone
  • first transcontinential telephone call

    first transcontinential telephone call
    Alexander Bell makes the first transcontinential phone call to Thomas Watson.
  • first phone to combine a ringer and handset

    first phone to combine a ringer and handset
    AT&T introduces the model 500 telephone the first to combine the ringer and handset
  • direct longdistance call now available

    direct longdistance call now available
    in a test in New Jersey, costumers are able to make long-distance calls in the US directly.
  • touch-tone telephone is introduced

    touch-tone telephone is introduced
    In Greensburg, Pennsylvania, the first touch-tone telephone was introduced with the first commercial service
  • first 911 call is made

    first 911 call is made
    in Alabama, a single number was released for people to report emergencies like fires or medical problems
  • first protable cell phone call is made

    first protable cell phone call is made
    the call was made by a man named Martin Cooper to his research rival at Bell Labs