cap time line

  • Chesapeake bay alliance to help community

    Chesapeake bay alliance to help community
    a tri-state legislative body that represents Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania make an alliance with the Chesapeake Bay. they created a program to help people to monitor water quality
  • first Chesapeake bay agreement is signed

    the Chesapeake bay program is established in the U.S
  • the critical area act

    Maryland passes the Critical Area Act to better manage the growth. to help monitor the wetlands
  • Maryland imposes a moratorium on striped bass fishing

    Virginia agrees on the moratorium and puts it into action to prohibit the fishing on striped bass to help them recover
  • air and water pollution

    Environmental Protection Agency's Great Waters Program makes notice that air pollution contributes to water pollution in the U.S
  • The Clean Vessel Act

    The Clean Vessel Act presenting a viable another way to the put over disposal of sewage.
  • new law in Pennsylvania

    A law passed in Pennsylvania makes certain farmers develop and put in nutrient management plans, limiting the amount of nitrogen and phosphorous that can run off of farms and waterways
  • The Virginia Water Quality Improvement Act

    The Virginia Water Quality Improvement Act made a state fund that supports the prevention, reduction, and control of pollution
  • the band on sturgeons

    The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission closes Atlantic sturgeon fishing in the East Coast
  • help rivers and streams

    The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation makes the Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund helping people and the community get back polluted rivers and streams in the U.S
  • blue crab population goes down

    Maryland records its lowest blue crab harvest: 20.2 million pounds an all-time lowest
  • forest buffers restored

    More than 2,800 miles of forest buffers have been made new in the watershed, meeting the Bay Program’s goal for forest buffer restoration
  • water quality

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency makes water quality criteria for the Chesapeake Bay
  • animal monitoring

    The Chesapeake Executive Council takes animal manure management strategy to reduce nutrient pollution from livestock operations
  • fertilize

    The Chesapeake Executive Council takes new directives to make bigger forest covers, reduce the amount of phosphorous in fertilizers and increase funding for on-farm conservation programs
  • new conservation act

    The Chesapeake Executive Council signs the Forest Conservation Initiative, going to conserve 695,000 acres of forests by 2020
  • more problems with the blue crabs they need to recover

    Maryland, Virginia, and the Potomac River Fisheries Commission makes emergency regulations on the fishing of blue crabs to help them recover
  • more fertilizer flowing into the Chesapeake bay

    President Obama signs an order that calls the federal government to renew the effort to protect and make new of the watershed
  • pollution due to detergent

    Maryland, Virginia, and New York ban phosphates in dishwasher detergent to lower phosphorous pollution in waterways
  • new Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Permit

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency makes a new Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Permit to the area of Columbia
  • help the oysters

    Harris Creek becomes the first thing to do for the oyster restoration goals set forth in the Chesapeake Bay Executive Order to help oyster populations in 20 Bay by 2025
  • limits are set

    A federal judge ruled that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency can make a limit for the Chesapeake Bay
  • the water shed agreement

    The Chesapeake Executive Council signs the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement which contains achievement and outcomes that will make the way to conservation and restoration in the water shed
  • the water shed ageement

    The Chesapeake Executive Council made 25 strategies showing the Chesapeake Bay Program’s ways to meet the goal of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement
  • they will not hear the problem

    The U.S. Supreme Court said it will not hear the case challenging the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load