Cameron's Timeline

  • Cameron's day

    The birth of a man named Cameron Lee Harvey. I was born in st. Joseph in hot springs Arkansas. I think I was like 6 pounds 5 ounces. I got hung on my moms abilical cordes so when I came out I was black cause my hole body was bruised.
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • School

    School is not fun to me. My first week of school was terrible because I don't like school. This was a big event in my life because I had never been to school before.
  • First fish I caught

    I was like 4 or 5 years old. I used to live on the lake so I would fish everyday. The first fish I caught was a little perch that I caught off the bank.
  • First deer killed

    This was an significant event because I killed my first deer ever. I was 6 years old and I was hunting in the woods in my backyard. Then seen a doe and shot it with a 4-10.
  • First job

    I had a job with my dad working at window source. But my first actual job was arby's and i still work there today. It's an really easy job for a kid my age.