Calc BC

  • Basic Integration

    Basic Integration
    Basic Intergration Techniques...I was not in school on friday but integration is one my strongest aspects of calc. I am good at remembering all key steps and parts to include and know all the basic KYSC parts of integration
  • Period: to

    Til the end

  • Differential Equations

    Differential Equations
    I'm very good with diff eqs. The only thing that gets me sometimes is when I have to differentiate a logistics equations because I always seem to mess it up. But I'm very good with slope fields. Euler's Method needs to be reviewed because I don't remember all the parts needed at the top, but other than that, it is good.
  • Infinite Series

    Infinite Series
    Series I am good with. I know most os the ways to test for convergence/divergence (except intergral test which I always seem to mess up). However, my biggest problem with Series/Sequences is actually writing the sequence or series from a given set of numbers. I'm also not the best with partial sums and the harmonic
  • Taylor Polynomials

    Taylor Polynomials
    I love taylor polynomials. I am very good with writing them out and solving them. The only thing that's a little difficult for me is the error bound. I don't know why, but I always seem to mess it up in some way.
  • Advanced Integration

    Advanced Integration
    It's not that advanced integration is hard, its just that I don't like it. Partial fractions I'm ok with. But parts...I don't know. I understand how to do them but I always seem to mess up the u and v values and forget, if i have to do it multiple times, where the negative is.
  • Integration Applications

    Integration Applications
    I LOVE AREA AND VOLUME QUESTIONS. I don't really know why but for me, it is my best and easiest part of Calc. I know the shell and disc methods and area. However, sometimes I forget where the 2pi v. pi v. no pi goes and that screws me up, but usually I'm good.
  • Polar Review

    Polar Review
    So umm...yeah. Don't like polar at all. I don't know why but I never fully understood going from polar to rectangular (probably because I missed school during this unit and never really learned it fully). I know the area, arc length, surface area pretty well but for me, the hardest thing is just converting the equations.

    I thought it went ok. Could've had better parts, but it could have been worse
  • Practice Session

    The review wasn't that bad. The FR was, in my opinion, easy and there were only a couple MC questions that were difficult
  • Debrief

    Final review day. It was good to just relax
  • Pre-Game

    Was not in class because I was at my Spanish AP...horrible

    Wasn't as bad as I thought. A couple hard parts but overall I think I did well
  • Day off

    English AP...not a day off for me
  • Research

    Started to brainstorm ideas for final project...came up with review style game in the same format as Family Feud
  • Research