BW Charles Darwin

  • Goes on the HMS Beagle

    Goes on the HMS Beagle
    From 1831-1835 Darwin went out on a journey on the ship called the HMS Beagle. He went to map out some of the parts of what is now South-America.
  • Studies of different animals

    Studies of different animals
    While going from island to island on his voyage, he studied animals and how they differentiated. He realized that the same animal species differed slightly from different islands. This is how he came up with the idea that they must have came from a common ancestor and evolved.
  • Published book "Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection"

    Published book "Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection"
    Darwin posted his findings and theories on evolution and natural selection in this book.
  • His Death

    His Death
    In 1882 Carles Darwin passed away.