Belle's Timeline

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    Building trust

    I've learned through looking at the pictures hanging from the walls of our ancestral house. One picture even has me crying and her trying to calm me down. My grandma also told me that mom made sure I felt secured and that's probably why I have this strong sense of trust to my loved ones. In Erikson's 1st stage, Trust vs. Mistrust, the crisis is having a caretaker that is not responsive (creates baby's feeling of mistrust) & responsive (results to baby's establishment of trust and safe feeling).
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    Living with insecurities

    I grew up around my cousins who are achievers. I think I was the only one who was not like them, was not book smart and can't memorize so fast like they can. Until now, I still have that feeling of inferiority. Whenever I'm getting a test, I have this ounce of doubt that I will succeed. In Erikson's 4th stage, Industry vs. Inferiority, the crisis is between developing a sense of pride through accomplishments or developing a sense of inferiority through failures and hardships.
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    Well-deserved relationship

    Through-out my childhood, even with some insecurities, I've learned to know and love myself. Because of this, I was able to find a great partner who provides a safe place for me when I'm in pain. I want to marry him someday and have a family with him. In Erikson's 6th stage, Intimacy vs. Isolation, the crisis is choosing to be alone because it felt safer or choosing to be a part of another individual's life.