Battles of the American Revolution

  • Invasion of Quebec

    Invasion of Quebec
    The goal of this battle was for the colonists to take control of Quebec to gain more support for the Americans. This was the first major defeat of the Americans. Two of the famous generals from this war were Benedict Arnold and Richard Montgomery. This was one of the first victories for the British and gave the Crown some reason to support the revolution some aid.
  • Battles At Lexington and Concord

    Battles At Lexington and Concord
    This was the first battle of the American Revolution between the British Loyalists and the Patriots of the 13 colonies in the Americas. The British marched to Lexington, the firing began, then the fighting stopped and and all the militiamen were dead or wounded. They marched on to Concord to seize arms of the colonists but they had already been relocated thanks to Paul Revere's famous midnight ride. The colonists won the war showing they can stand up against the redcoats of Britain.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The name kind of explains itself. It was a battle fought on top of a hill but the Americans had built trenches into the side of the hill so it gave them a bit of protection. This is the battle in which the saying, "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes," became famous. The British came out victorious but it showed the colonists to keep fighting and full dedication could overcome the British.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    This was a British offensive battle to seize New York and keep the ports in New England from the colonies. The Colonists didn't win the battle but some of them were able to escape and continue fighting in future battles. George Washington was the major colonist leader of this battle.
  • Battle of Charlestown

    Battle of Charlestown
    This was a battle in South Carolina, the British were on the offensive and they unleashed full violence upon the Battle of Charlestown.This was the worst defeat the Colonists had suffered in the American Revolution. Benjamin Lincoln was one of the leaders for the colonists that was captured by the British during this battle. The retaliation of the colonists then led to the Battle of Yorktown.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    General George Washington of the colonists takes his troops to war with General Cornwallis of the British. The colonists won the war, and the fighting came to a stop as the land became known as the American Colonies officially as an outcome of this battle.