Bas van fraassen 1

Bas van Fraassen 4 April 1941-Present

  • PhD in Philosophy

    Bas van Frassen received his Bachelor of Arts in philosophy in 1963, he went on to receive his Master's in 1964 and proceeded to get his PhD in philosophy in 1966 where he wrote his dissertation on the casual theory of time.
  • Guggenheim Fellowship

    Guggenheim Fellowship
    The John Simon Guggenhiem fellowship is an annually awarded grant given to those who demonstrate exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts. In 1970, Bas van Frassen was awarded this fellowship in Humanities for his field of study in Philosophy
  • The Scientific Image

    The Scientific Image
    van Frassen published his first book in 1980 where he introduced his concept of constructive empiricism. Frassen doesn’t deny that scientific theories are true or false, he wants to argue that the aim of science isn’t to establish true or false theories, but theories that make a difference in what we can actually observe. In 1982 it won the Franklin J. Matchette Prize of the American Philosophical Association & the Imre Lakatos Award in 1986.
  • Laws and Symmetry

    In 1989, Frassen published his book Laws and Symmetry. He argues that metaphysics can’t succeed in accounting for laws of nature, because there are no laws of nature and that we should disregard the idea of law as a necessary clue to how science works.
  • The Empirical Stance

    The Empirical Stance
    Fraassen published his book The Empirical Stance in 2002 where he introduces a new viewpoint to study and understand traditional empiricism. Fraassen states that there is a need to tie religion and science together, and this can be displayed by taking a stance of focusing on recurrent critique of metaphysics and experiences that require a view of belief or opinion.