Tournières.robert 1667 1752

Baroque Period

By A.Duque
  • 1500


    A main event that influenced the Baroque period was the Counter-Reformation. This was a period of Catholic revival.
  • 1500

    The Creation of the Baroque Art (Cultural event).

    The Creation of the Baroque Art (Cultural event).
    The Baroque period in art and architecture emerged in the early 17th century and lasted until the mid-18th century. It was characterized by elaborate ornamentation, dramatic lighting, and a sense of grandeur. This artistic style was seen in various forms of expression, including painting, sculpture, architecture, and decorative arts.
  • Period: 1500 to

    The Age of Absolutism

    The Age of Absolutism refers to a period when monarchs in Europe consolidated their power and ruled with absolute authority. It was a time of centralized government and strong royal control, characterized by monarchs such as Louis XIV of France, Peter the Great of Russia, and Frederick the Great of Prussia.
  • 1543

    The Scientific Revolution (Scientific Event).

    The Scientific Revolution (Scientific Event).
    The Scientific Revolution was a transformative period in the history of science that took place from the mid-16th century to the late 17th century. It was marked by significant advancements in various scientific disciplines, including astronomy, physics, and mathematics.
  • Period: to

    The Thirty Years' War.

    The Thirty Years' War was one of the most devastating conflicts in European history, spanning three decades and involving multiple nations. It was primarily a religious war between Protestant and Catholic states, but it also had significant political and territorial motivations.
  • Peace of Westphalia.

    Peace of Westphalia.
    The Peace of Westphalia was a series of treaties signed in 1648, marking the end of the Thirty Years' War in Europe. This event had profound political implications, as it established the principles of state sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs.
  • Glorious Revolution.

    Glorious Revolution.
    The Glorious Revolution was a political event that took place in England, and it had significant implications for the balance of power between the monarchy and Parliament.
  • Death of Johann Sebastian Bach.

    Death of Johann Sebastian Bach.
    It is considered the end of the Baroque period because the death of Johann Sebastian Bach. His music is considered to be the culmination of the Baroque style.