Baby's 1st year- Stefanie Grimaldo

  • 1st Month

    1st Month
    Does not blink in bright light, does not respond to loud sounds and it is feeding slowly or has trouble sucking.
  • 2nd Month

    2nd Month
    Kicks are stronger and the legs are straightened out, becomes more aware and playful with their hands and responds with gurgles, coos, ahhs, ohhs and even smiles.
  • 3rd Month

    3rd Month
    Mimicking some sounds, opens and closes their hands and grasp a toy and shake the toy.
  • 4th Month

    4th Month
    Able to roll from their stomach to their back, pushes up to their elbow, teething may have begun which means you're probably finding drools on everything they touch
  • 5th Month

    5th Month
    They are either started to roll over or is swaying side to side, they are fascinated with their hands and started to bring them both of them together and grasping things and holding them using all his fingers
  • 6th month

    6th month
    Babbling vowels sounds, rolls in both direction back to front and front to back and picks up small objects by pushing them with their hand towards themselves
  • 7th Month

    7th Month
    Baby might be able to sit up without any help, they babble and imitates sounds.
  • 8th Month

    8th Month
    Moving, grooving and getting ready to crawl
  • 9th Month

    9th Month
    Crawling, standing and babbling.
  • 10th Month

    10th Month
    Standing, sitting and talking.
  • 11th Month

    11th Month
    Cruising, standing and pointing.
  • 12th Month

    12th Month
    Walking, standing and understanding.