
  • Born

    Jane Goodall was born April 3rd, 1934 in London, England
  • Jubilee

    Jubilee, a baby chimpanzee, is born at the London Zoo
  • Superman

    The first Superman comic book is published
  • Judy

    Sister, Judy, is born on Jane fourth birthday
  • W W II

    World War II begins in Europe
  • Moving

    The Goodall family moves to Bournemouth, a seaside town in England
  • Nazis

    The Nazis take control of France
  • Victory

    World War II ends with victory for the Allies
  • Tarzan and the Amazons

    The movie Tarzan and the Amazons is released
  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson becomes the first African American to play major league baseball
  • High School

    Jane graduates from high school
  • Finally Africa

    Heads to Africa for the first time on March 13
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley has his first number one hit record with "Heartbreak Hotel"
  • Moving Again

    Moves to the Gombe Stream Game Reserve
  • Hugo

    Marries Hugo van Lawick
  • United Republic of Tanzania

    Two states in Africa, Tanganyika and Zanzibar, form the United Republic of Tanzania
  • Washoe

    A chimp named Washoe learns American Sign language
  • Grub

    Jane and Hugo have a son named Grub
  • In the Shadow of Man

    In the Shadow of Man, a book about her time in Africa, is published
  • Divorce

    Divorces Hugo
  • Remarries

    Marries Derek Bryceson, a member of the Tanzania government
  • Cancer

    Derek Bryceson dies of cancer
  • Threatened Extinction

    Jane learns of wild chimps' threatened extinction
  • Roots & Shoots

    Roots & Shoots begins with sixteen African teenagers
  • Ending Apartheid

    South Africa ands apartheid, an extreme form of separation of black and whites

    Jane begins the program TACARE (Take Care)
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela becomes the first black president of South Africa
  • Stevie Nicks

    Stevie Nicks's album Street Angel includes "Jane" a song about Jane and her work
  • Reason for Hope

    Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey is published
  • The Simpsons

    An episode of The Simpsons features a character loosely based on Jane
  • Cancer Again

    Hugo, Jane's first husband, dies of cancer
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama is elected president of the United States