Atomic models timeline

  • Dalton atomic model

    Dalton atomic model
    It represents the atom like an indivisible sphere and the smallest particle of matter. Materia, T. (2019). Modelo atómico de Dalton: explicación y postulados. [online] Toda Materia. Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct. 2019].
  • Thomson atomic model

    Thomson atomic model
    Introduces the concept of "electron" (part of an atom that is negatively charged). He sayed that the atom was a positively charged sphere with the electrons inside, also, this model is known as the "Raisin pudding model" Materia, T. (2019). Modelos atómicos: resumen y explicación (con imágenes). [online] Toda Materia. Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct. 2019].
  • Rutherford atomic model

    Rutherford atomic model
    He said that atoms had a positively charged nucleus where most of it's mass was found, also, he introduced the concept of the protons (part of the atom that has a positive charge) De, C. (2019). Modelo Atómico de Rutherford: Concepto y Experimento. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct. 2019].
  • Bohr atomic model

    Bohr atomic model
    It shows the atom like a little positive nucleus surrounded by the electrons that spin in different energy levels Materia, T. (2019). Modelo atómico de Bohr: explicación y postulados (con imágenes). [online] Toda Materia. Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct. 2019].
  • Sommerfeld atomic model

    Sommerfeld atomic model
    He said that the electrons had elliptical orbits, also, he established the frits two quantum variables Modelos Atómicos. (2019). Modelo Atómico de Sommerfeld - Modelos Atómicos. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct. 2019].
  • Schrödinger atomic model

    Schrödinger atomic model
    Describes the movement of electrons like stationary waves. This model doesn´t predict the electron's ubication, only establish a probability zone to localize the electron. The orbits of this model can be defined as electron clouds Modelos Atómicos. (2019). Modelo Atómico de Schrödinger - Modelos Atómicos. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct. 2019].
  • Dirac-Jordan atomic model

    Dirac-Jordan atomic model
    As in the Schrödinger's model, the bases of this model is the quantum physics, it introduces the natural way of spin of electrons, and the revision and correction of certain relativistic theories Lifeder. (2019). Modelo Atómico de Dirac Jordan: Teoría y Postulados - Lifeder. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct. 2019].
  • Chadwick atomic model

    Chadwick atomic model
    His model shows the atom formed not only by electrons and protons, in this way, he introduced the concept of "neutrons" (part of an atom with a neutral charge) Lifeder. (2019). James Chadwick: Biografía, Modelo Atómico, Experimentos - Lifeder. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct. 2019].