
Articles of Confederation

  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    An armed uprising in Massachusetts where farmers expressed their disatisfaction with the weak government and their desire to keep their farms. This is what rallied the delegates to attend the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia to prevent more uprisings.
  • Annapolis convention

    Annapolis convention
    The State of Virginia asked for all 13 different delgates from each colony to meet in Annapolis to discuss the nations' problems. Their goal was to amend the Articles of Confederation so the national government would be more effective. Only delgates from five states showed up, and, because they were stupid not to show up and only delayed the inevitable, they planned to have a bigger convention the next year.
  • Virginia plan

    Virginia plan
    While James Madison was waiting for other delegates to arrive in Philadelphia, he wrote the Virginia plan. It basically had a set up of what would be the U.S. constitution. It had a lay of a national government consisting of three branches with checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power. In its amended form, this page of Madison's plan shows his ideas for a legislature. It describes 2 houses: one with members elected by the people for 3-year terms and the other composed of older leaders.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Delegate from all 13 states met in Philadelphia to form a new goveernment.
  • New Jersey Plan

    New Jersey Plan
    William Paterson wrote this is response to the Virginia Plan, because smaller states would not have equal representation. This called for equal representation for all states (the Senate).
  • Connecticut Compromise

    An agreement between the Virginia plan and the New Jersey plan. resulted in the two branches of Congress.
  • Constitution is accepted

    Constitution is accepted
    The meeting is now over because there is a new government set up.