Art History

  • Period: 30,000 BCE to 2500 BCE

    Stone Age

    30,000 b.c.-2500 b.c. - cave painting, fertility paintings and goddesses became the new popular form
  • Period: 495 BCE to 429 BCE

    Ancient Greece and Rome

    Ancient Greek and Rome-
    Pericles acropolis, Athens (hub of the city)
    Phidias- he focused on beauty and craftsmanship
    Parthenon inspired western buildings
    Limited idea of democracy
    Fluting- vertical lines
  • Period: 327 BCE to 27 BCE

    Hellenistic period:

    -The idea of collection for social status
    -art was seen as a menial task
  • Period: 1300 to


    humanism and Leonardo divinci
    Della Pictura-
    a picture should evoke a sense or spatial and historical actuality
    a painting should have a istoria, or theme
    the particular theme should be elaborated through the appropriate sue of color
    Georgio Vasari academia del disegno
  • 1377

    First Moveable Type

    jikji- first moveable metal type- 1377 Korea
  • 1415

    Linear perspective- 1415

    brunelleschi –examined a building and painted this building. He drills a hole in painting and hold the painting up in front of him and also holds a mirror up to see where is lines are accurate and where they are wrong.
  • Period: 1440 to 1445


    Gutenberg’s printing press- 1440 combines moveable metal type with screw → everything is becoming more accessible
    Gutenberg’s bible 1454→ mass prints it
  • Period: 1463 to

    Early Motherhood Works of Art

    madonna of loreto raphael
    Jan Van Eyck
    catherine opie - self portrait nursing 2004
    she identifies as queer
    references madonna breastfeeding her child
  • Period: to


    -2 hours a day for life drawing
    -included the teaching of architecture, geometry, perspective
  • Period: to


    Art that recaptures Greco-Roman grace and grandeur
    "Vanitas" peter claez
  • First Photo

    first known photograph ‘view from the window at le gras’ 1826/27 “heliography”
  • Period: to


    Celebrating working class and peasants; en plein air
    rustic painting
    Manets Paintings are a great example
  • Period: to


    Pre– and Post–World War 1 art experiments: new
    forms to express modern life
    Picasso, bocconi
  • Period: to


    Ridiculous art; painting dreams and exploring the
    Duchamp - 'Portrait of chess'
  • Period: to

    Postmodernism and Deconstructivism

    Art without a center and reworking and mixing past styles
    -cindy sherman, frank Gehry
  • Period: to

    WeIrd ArT

    The reincarnation of saint orlan
    -made a permanent shift into famous works done by men
    “third ear” (2007)
    -grew his own ear on his arm using cloning
  • Feminist Movement

    late 70s-present
    “guerrilla girls” 1985
    -made anonymous, wore masks
    ‘you are my sunshine’ 2015
    -female form is central in her work
    -black empowerment
  • Period: to 1400


    ending of the western and beginning of romanticism
    arts sole purpose is to honor god and top communicate the truths of the gospel
    carol- a private work space → became popular
    less interest in the arts, more interest in work. The grand notions of art disappear → decline in literacy
    guilds: unions of different kinds of crafts workers, established rules. Provided legal advice to one another
    apprentice (similar to co-op): training started around 13 or 14,