Chards air control handsoff

Arms Race

  • Period: to

    Arms Race; beginning of the end

    The reason why i chose the Arms race as being one of the most significant events of the cold war, the great suspicions between the two superpowers and the obsure in what the other was doing. It caused both nations to spend millions on research on nuclear bombs.
  • Policy of Containment

    Policy of Containment
    The Policy of Containment was significant because it created great friction between the superpower, it brought both sides to not trust each other
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Korean War was symbolic in trigger the start of the Cold war. Russia and USA powers trying to show how each nation superioty over each other with the atomic bombs. This highlights the fact fear of communism growing in Asia.
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    Bay of Pigs invasion
    The reason I chose the Bay of Pig invasion was because it jepodised their relations with Cuba and Russia, this facilitated the spark of the Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    Winston Churchill famous quote, 'From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent'. This encapulates the fact there was mutual distrust between both USSR and USA; the US attempted to contain the spread of communism which would dominate the next decade.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    In the words of Robert McNamara, "we were this close from a nuclear war". It came apparent that the Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest thing the world got to from a nuclear war. The tension grew when the Soviets did not remove their missiles from Cuba. This was a major threat to US because Cuba being so close to US borders.