CPB 3rd period cell timeline

  • 330 BCE


    Aristotle: in 330 b.c. He did and experiment on chick embryos that showed that all organisms go through a series of stages before they acquire their final stages. This rejected spontaneous generation because it showed that things developed and didn't just randomly appear.
  • Zacharias Janssen (compound microscope)

    Zacharias Janssen: in 1590 He created the compound microscope. This invention led to the disbelief of spontaneous generation because the microscope allowed us to see the cells.
  • Jan Baptist Van Helmont

    Jan Baptist Van Helmont: In 1643 he did and experiment with dirty cloths and wheat. This agreeded with spontaneous generation because in the experiment he found rats and believed that if you left out dirty cloths that mice/rats would appear.
  • obert Hooke

    Robert Hooke: In 1665 He found cells by looking through a microscope. This contributed to cell theory.
  • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek: In 1674 he discovered cells in animals.
  • Lorenzo Oken

    Lorenzo Oken: In 1805 he found and said ¨ all living organisms originate from a consist of cells.¨
  • Robert Brown

    Robert Brown: In 1831 he discovered the nucleases of cells.
  • Matthlas Schleiden

    Matthlas Schleiden: In 1838 he found that the basic structure of a plant is cells.
  • Theodor Schwann

    Theodor Schwann: In 1838 he created cell theory.
  • Albert Van Roelliker

    Albert Van Roelliker: In 1843 he found that tissue in the human body was made up of cells. And that humans are pretty much cells.
  • Rudolf Virchow

    Rudolf Virchow: In 1855 he discovered how cells reproduce or multiply.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur: In 1859 he found out that the spoilage of liquid or caned food was caused by particles in the air rather than the air itself.