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Architecture Timeline

By Ash1486
  • 1400

    Renaissance (1400 / 1600)

    Renaissance (1400 / 1600)
    Renaissance is the European architecture that gave off conscious revival and developed certain elements focusing on the Ancient Greek and Roman Cultures.
  • Antebellum (1789-1861)

    Antebellum  (1789-1861)
    Antebellum houses were created in South America 30 years before the American Civil War. Antebellum houses refer to elegant mansions and is not a particular house style.
  • Revivalism (1900-2019)

    Revivalism (1900-2019)
    Revivalism is the architectural design of a building that "echoes" previous and historical buildings from the past using visual styles.
  • Bauhaus (1919- 1933)

    Bauhaus (1919- 1933)
    Bauhau buildings were first created by Walter Gropius when he founded a school with a vision to bridge the gap between industry and art. Bauhau buildings are known for the display of a more artsy approach that represented the German school.
  • Green Buildings ( 1990 - 2019)

    Green Buildings ( 1990 - 2019)
    Green Buildings were made to have a better impact on the environment and become more sustainable to the climate. There are many components to this however, water, energy, materials, and other resources are the most popular things we look at when it comes to green buildings and being sustainable.