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  • Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza

    Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza
    This style is became popular from about 1590. As well as building itself, I constitute space by various artworks including a sculpture and a picture and am characterized by showing complexity and variety. The complicated constitution of the particularly internal space becomes the outstanding characteristic with other architecture.
  • Louvre Museum

    Louvre Museum
    it's styles are Gothic, Louis Xlll style,Baroque and Modernism. The Gothic is assumes flower opened France origin from the late twelfth century. The Louis Xilll is a fashion in French art and architecture. The Baroque used to describe European ARCHITECTURE, art and music and the 17th and early 18th centuries that has a grand and highly decorated style. The modernism is a style and movement in art.
  • Big ben

    Big ben
    It's style is Neo-gothic that assumed the U.K. origin and spread through Italy, Russia, the United States afterwards in France, Germany in the late 18th century. I showed a classical building and scathing opposition represented by a Greek revival.
  • Flatiron Building

    Flatiron Building
    It's style is Renaissar and .The Renaissar is began in the early 19th century in Europe and interlaced a new building method of then each place while being based on a former Renaissance building in the architecture which spread to the world including Japan much more.
  • Sagrada Família

    Sagrada Família
    It's style is Modernisme that the end of 19th century says an art style similar to the French art nouveau which was popular in the early 20th century in the Catalonia district around Barcelona, Spain.
  • Sony building

    Sony building
    The sony building's style os postmodern architecture. This is the style of a building proposed by criticism to modernism architecture. For the modern modernism architecture which it is rational, and became like functionalism, it is the building which aimed at the recovery such as the decorativeness that appeared as the reaction, compromise characteristics, the excessive nature. It was prevalent mainly on the 1980s.
  • Tour Total

    Tour Total
    The Tour Total's style is Modem architecture. The Modem archiecture is born by modern architecture exercise to criticize style architecture before the 19th century, and to mend a social building correct practically after people's revolution and the Industrial Revolution.
  • Umeda sky building

    Umeda sky building
    It location in Japan. it's architectural style is structural expressionism. It use the skil and product which are started by high-tech.
  • Hassan II Mosque

    Hassan II Mosque
    It's architectural style is Moorich Architecture and a variation of Islamic architecture.
  • Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

    Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
    It's style is Deconstructivism that form is fragment and Non-linear technique in the design process.
  • Burj al-Arab

    Burj al-Arab
    It's architectural style is High- Tech. It use the skil and product which are started by high-tech.