Arab Israeli Conflict

  • Balfour Declartion

    British Gov't issued the declaration, no jews were treated differently
  • Balfour Declaration

    Brittish Government issued the declartion. No Jews were treated differently
  • Yom-Kippur War

    Egypt and Syria went and attacked Israel for lost territory, many civiilians were killed
  • 6 day war

    6 days Israelis took over Sinai and Gaze strip
    Egypt also took over many parys
  • Camp David Accords

    Letter from Brittish forgeign policy signed Anwar Sadat, Manachem Begin, Jimmy Carter
  • Suez War

    conflict following the nationalization of the Suez Canal by President Nasser (Egypt) Britian and France had their military forces help back up Israel
  • First Intifada

    Palestines illed in car crash by Israelians. Caused many riots
  • Middle East Assasination

    President Anwar Sadat assaination in Egypt
  • HudaybiWyah peace treaty

    Peace treaty signed for ten year truce between agreed between Islams prophet and Quirish tribe
  • Olso Accords

    Israeli and Palestines discussed problems and came to an agreement by signing a treaty.
    Arrafat, Clinton and Rabin signed agreement.
  • Middle East Recent History

  • recent news

    Jewish people of Israel, the return to the land of their forefathers after centuries of persecution around the world has not brought peace. They have faced many crises as their neighbours have tried as genocide to wipe their people off
  • My future opinion

    My only thing I think after all this time they should learn there is no resolution. Things will stay the same until they decide to split up the land equally. till then there will be no comprimise
  • Interesting Facts

    Fact #1: Jews have been living in Israel continuously for over 3,000 years Fact #2: One quarter of Israeli citizens are not Jewish Fact #3: Israel has repeatedly accepted the two state solution Fact #4: The Arab-Israeli conflict is not about the occupation - it's about the existence of Israel Fact #5: Arab violence against civilians began long before the occupation Fact #6: Palestinian leadership actively supported the Nazis during WWII Fact #7: Arab leaders have been