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Apple App Store Timeline

  • App Store Launched

    App store first launched with only 500 apps avaliable to Apple customers.
  • App Approval Process

    As of 2013 Apple announced they were implementing an 'App Approval Process' where Apple would decide if an app would go on the store based on its approiateness.
  • App Store Celebrates 5th Year

    On its 5th birthday, Apple continues to develop the app store alongside iOS7.
  • Most Popular Apps

    As of the end of 2016 a full list of the most downloaded apps:
    1. Snapchat
    2. Messanger
    3. Pokemon GO
    4. Instagram
    5. Facebook
    6. YouTube
    7. Google Maps
    8. Pandora
    9. Netflix
    10. Spotify Music
  • So Many APPS!

    As of January 2017, the Apple App Store had 2.2 million apps available to download. As well as having an excess of 130,000,000,000 downloads over its 9 year history, and $70 Billion in revenue.
  • Censorship in China?

    In July 2017 China's new laws further restricted the apps avaliable in the counrty.
  • Further Improvements

    With the release of iOS11 at the end of the year. Apple has said there will be improvements on the app will be made.