Ap Euro timeline assignment

  • Period: Sep 19, 1050 to Sep 19, 1300

    Events leading up to the Renaissance

    The Begining og the renaisance occured from 1050 to 1300. It began in the Northern italian cities, then spread to southern Italy . They experienced phenomenal commercial and financial development. there was also an increase in of political power of self-governing cities. This is a result of expanding trade with the middle east and
  • Period: Nov 21, 1254 to Nov 21, 1324

    Marco Polo

    He is conidered to be one of the greatest explorers ever. he visited as far away as China
  • Period: Sep 19, 1300 to Sep 19, 1500

    The renaissance

    art and literature flourished durning the renaissance. The Norther renaissance focused more on religious reform and Humanism. The Renaissance in italy experienced economic and social change.
  • Period: Sep 19, 1337 to Sep 19, 1453

    The hundred years war

    The hundred yoears war was between France and England. It wasnt a single conflict but was a series of conflicts
  • Sep 19, 1344


    King Edward the 3rd repudiated his large depts to Florentine bankers forcing many of them into bankruptcy.
  • Period: Nov 21, 1394 to Nov 21, 1460

    Prince Henry the Navigator

    Henry established a school for navigation.He reached as far as Guinea and granted Portuguise control ovr the gold flow in Europe
  • Period: Nov 21, 1451 to Nov 21, 1506

    Christopher Columbus

    he discovered hispanola. he is credited with causing the death of thousands of people
  • Period: Nov 21, 1454 to Nov 21, 1512

    Amerigo Vespuci

    He wrote a letter titled Mundes Novus were he explained that america was seperate from asia. america is named after him
  • Sep 19, 1455

    Printing Press

    the invention of movable type made it possible to mass produce literature
  • Period: Sep 19, 1455 to Sep 19, 1471

    The war of Roses

    The war of roses between the Yorks and the Lancasters hurt trade, agriculture, and domestic industry
  • Sep 19, 1469


    The marrige of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Argon unified Spain
  • Period: Nov 21, 1470 to Nov 21, 1547

    Fransisco Pizarro

    Portuguise explorer who conqured the Incan empire. he also discovered the worlds richest silver mines
  • Period: Nov 21, 1480 to Nov 21, 1521

    Ferdinand Magellen

    was the first pearson to circumnavigate the globe. he also found a diret rout to asia
  • Nov 21, 1483


    Sultan Mohamed II siezed constantnople by using canons. They were not very effective for land battles butwere great at sea
  • Period: Nov 21, 1485 to Nov 21, 1547

    Hernando Cortez

    Spanish explorer who went to mainland mexico. He conquered the aztecempire
  • Sep 19, 1492

    The Inquisition

    Ferdinand and Isabella revived the Inquisition to expel the Jews and unify Spain. The inquisition used tourture to get jews to convert to christianity.
  • Oct 20, 1517

    Luther's 95 theses

    Luthor published his 95 theses. He talked about rejecting the idea of indulgences. He also criticised papal wealth.
  • Sep 19, 1521

    Hasbbsburg Valois wars

    A series of conflicts where the Germans and Spanish attempted to expel the French from italy.
  • Sep 20, 1521


    Luthor was excommunicated for denieing the authority of the pope. He was declared an outlaw by Charles V at worms.
  • Sep 20, 1523


    Luthor translated the New Testament into german.This democratized religion
  • Sep 20, 1525

    English Translation

    William Tyndale began english copies of the new testiment. Henry the VIII accepts protestant reform so can divorce his wife.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1540 to

    Scientific Revolution

    A period of tremendus growth in knowledge
  • Nov 21, 1543


    Copurnicus publishes "On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres". This suggests that the sun is the center of the Solar system, rather then the Earth.
  • Sep 20, 1555

    Lutheranism becomes legal

    Charles V recognized Lutheranism as a legal religion.
  • Nov 21, 1572

    war of 3 Henrys

    Conflict between Henry of Guise, Henry of Navana, and King Henry IV
  • Nov 21, 1572

    New Stars

    An exploding star disproves the christian explenatin of the solar system. It also encouradges the exeptance of the Coperican System.
  • Nov 21, 1572

    St. Bartholomuels Day Massacer

    12,000 french huguenots where killed between august 25th and october 3rd.
  • Period: to

    Crdinal Richelieu

    crushed all signs of rebelion. divided france into 32 generaneues.
  • Period: to

    King Henry IV

    appointed Maaximiian de Bethune as chief minister. Tried to keep farmers at peace. Henry IV was murdered in 1610
  • edict of Nantes

    Henry IV of france allows huguenots in his country. It was revoked in 1685 by Louis XIV
  • Period: to

    Cardinal Jules Mazorria

    continued Richelious centralizing policies. there was also a civil war called Fonde, which means slingshot or catapult.
  • Kepplers laws

    Johannes Kepler formulated the first and second laws of planetary motion. The first law states that the orbits of the planets are eliptical. The second law says that planets do not move at a uniform speed.
  • Period: to

    30 years war (Bohemian Phase)

    began when protestants threw two of king ferdinands officials out of a window
  • Descartes

    While serving in the Thirty Years war, Descartes discovered that there was a perfect correspondence between geometry and algebra.
  • Keplers 3rd law

    The 3rd law of planetary motion states that the time that it takes a planet orbit the sun is directly related to the planets distance from the sun.
  • Period: to

    Jean-Baptiste Colbert

    Supported mercantielism. wanted france to becom self-sufficient. he wanted control of canada, so he sent 4,000 peasent there.
  • Period: to

    30 years war (Danish Phase)

    There where many catholic victories. Ferdinand made an army loyal to him rather than to the catholic cause.
  • Period: to

    30 years war (Swedish Phase)

    The king of sweden, Gustavus Adolphus, won a victory because he a superor army with better weapons
  • Galileo

    Galileo was tried for heracy after publishing "Dialogue on the two cief systems of the World". Events like this stifled scientific progress.
  • Period: to

    30 years war (French Phase)

    France declared war on spain. it lasted so long because no side could strike a winning blow
  • Counter Reformation

    The Counter Reformation church helped count for the decline of science in Italy
  • Period: to

    Louis XIV

    He called himself the "Sun King". he built versalilles to control the nobility
  • Peace of westphalia

    Princess were given the ability to chose the religion of thier subjects
  • Aftermath

    after the 30 years war, alot of property was damadged. 1/3 of the urban population died and 2/5 of the rural population died
  • Royal Society

    The Royal Society of London was established. They published scientific papres and sponsored sientific meetings.
  • Period: to

    Jethro Toll

    Over his life time, Jethro Toll invented the seed drill and introduced selective breeding
  • Edict of Nantes is revoked

    It is revoked. "One king, one law, one faith"
  • Newton

    Newton Publishes "Pricipia" he also talks about the Laws of Universal Gravitation.
  • Locke

    John Locke writes the "Essay Concerning Human Understanding". It proposed the idea that people learn based on experiences.
  • Second Treatise of Civil Government

    John Lockes "Second Treatise of Civil Government" talks about natural rights. These rights are life, liberty, and property. John Locke believed that governments couldnt take the rights away.
  • Period: to


  • Education

    attendance at elementary schools becoms manditory in Prussia
  • Foundling Homes

    The first foundling homes are being establihed by the governments
  • The Persian letters

    Montesque publishes a social satire called the Persian Letter. they where supposedly writen by a persian traveler and critiqued european customs.
  • Last Bubonic Plague

    The lasr Bubonic plague occurs between 1721 and 1722. A smaller black rat population, medical advances, and better sanitation all contributed to the end of the Bubonic plague.
  • The Spirit of laws

    Montisque publishes a complex comparative study of republics, monarchies, and despotisms. He argues that despotisms could be avoided if there was a seperation of powers.
  • Period: to

    Book Smuggling

    A majority of french books produced in this time period where produced by foreign publishers and then smuggled into France
  • The Encyclopedia

    The first volume of The Encyclopedia is published in 1751. it if placed on the Catholic church's index of forbidden works because it dealt with the controvertial subjects of atheism, the soul, and blind people. (all words begining with the letter a in french)
  • the Social Contract

    Rousseau descuses General will and Popular Sovereignty
  • The Revelutionary War

    The American Revelutionary war began to gain independence from britan.
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith writes the Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. this establishes the basis of modern econoics, and was highly critical of eighteenth century mercantilism
  • Period: to

    The FrenchRevelution

    the french republic overthrew the monarch and founded a new government
  • smallpox

    Jenner preforms the first smallpox vaccination
  • Abolition

    Britich slave trade is abolished