Title anne

Anne Frank's Life

  • The Birth of Anne Frank

    The Birth of Anne Frank
    On June 12, 1929, Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany.
  • The Franks Leave Germany

    The Franks Leave Germany
    The Franks leave Germany t escape Nazi persecution, While Mr. Frank loks fr a new hme in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the Anne and the others stay with relatives in Aachen, Germany.
  • The Van Pels family leave Germany for the Netherlands

    The Van Pels family leave Germany for the Netherlands
    The Van Pels (called the Wan Daans in Anne's Diary) leave Germany to escape Nazi persecution.
  • The Franks go into hiding

    The Franks go into hiding
    The Franks go into hiding after Margot receives an order to appear for deportation to a labor camp in Germany. The Ven Pels join the Franks one week later.
  • Anne's thirteenth birthday

    Anne's thirteenth birthday
    Anne receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday.
  • The Franks are discovered

    The Franks are discovered
    After two years of hiding, the Nazi police raid raid the Secret Annex.
  • Anne is transported to concentration camp

    Anne is transported to concentration camp
    Anne and her family and the Van Pels are sent to concentratin camps.
  • Otto Frank is freed

    Otto Frank is freed
    Three weeks after Anne's mother dies Otto Frank is freed when Auschwitz is liberated by the Soviet army.
  • Anne Frank Dies

    Anne Frank Dies
    Anne Frank dies in Bergen-Belsen a few weeks before British sldiers liberate the camp.
  • Anne's Mother Dies

    Anne's Mother Dies
    Anne's mother, Edith Frank, dies in Auschwitz.