Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

  • Anne Frank is born

    Anne Frank is born
  • Finding her way to Amsterdam

    Finding her way to Amsterdam
    Anne and her family didn't always live in Amsterdam. They came in 1933 when her parents, Otto and Edith, get offered jobs there.
  • Adolf HItler

    Adolf HItler
    Adolf Hitler becomes the Chancellor of Germany.
  • Anne starts going to a real school

    Anne starts going to a real school
    Anne talks about going to school very highly in her diary. You can tell that she really enjoyed being there and learning. Anne thought of going to school as more a privilage than a have to like most kids think now.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Adolf Hitler becomes the Fuhrer of Germany. This means that he is the leader. And has complete control.
  • Anne starts to notice boys

    Anne starts to notice boys
    I'm not sure the exact date that this happens but I do know it's shortly after Anne begins attending a real school. Like all girls do, she starts to notice that boys aren't so gross anymore. I thought this was an important event in her life because it changed her perspective on a few different things.
  • The Night of Broken Glass

    The Night of Broken Glass
    On this night over 7,000 Jewish businesses were broken into. The citizens of Germany burned Jewish homes, schools, hospitals, and more. They stole everything they could and left the Jews with nothing. Over 30,000 Jews were killed that night alone.
  • Poland gets invaded

    Poland gets invaded
    The Solviet Union invades Poland. Anne is 10 years old at the time.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    At this time Anne was just 10 years old. This is when World War II officially broke out in Poland.
  • Anne changes schools

    Anne changes schools
    When the Germans invaded the Netherlands Anne and Margot were forced out of their school for the simple fact that they were Jewish.
  • Pearl Harbor gets bombed

    Pearl Harbor gets bombed
    This is a very well known event in American history. Japan bombs Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. As a result of World War II. When this happens Anne is 12 years old.
  • Declared war on the United States

    Declared war on the United States
    Germany and the Axis powers declare war on the United States. At this time Anne is 12 years old.
  • Anne celebrates her 13 birthday

    Anne celebrates her 13 birthday
    This is a very important event in Anne's life because it is the last birthday she gets to celebrate in the way she always had before. With her family in her own home. This birthday is also important because she receives a very special gift. The diary in which she begins to write about all her days in hiding.
  • Anne's last day of school

    Anne's last day of school
    Her parents inform her that she can no longer go to her school. But she will still continue to study with her father. Anne becomes very upset not only because she can't learn from her teacher who she liked very much, but also because she can no longer see her friends. But she always told herself that she would get to see them soon when they could come out of hiding. She had no idea then that she never would get to go back to school again.
  • Anne and her family move into the "Secret Annex"

    Anne and her family move into the "Secret Annex"
    Her Mom and Dad tell her what the plan is for going into hidding. They tell her they were planning on going into hidding on July 16th but they decide to go earlier because of fear. They move in that day.
  • The Van Daans arrive at the "Secret Annex"

    The Van Daans arrive at the "Secret Annex"
    Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan, Peter (their son around Anne's age), and Peter's cat (Mouschi) join the Frank's in hidding in the "Secret Annex" due to their fear of the Germans calling upon more and more Jews.
  • Anne finds out about "the camps"

    Anne finds out about "the camps"
    Miep tells Anne about the concentration camps outside the Secret Annex. This makes Anne think about how lucky she is not to be there. Even though she isn't happy in the Secret Annex, she starts to be more thankful for where she is.
  • Dussel arrives at the "Secret Annex"

    Dussel arrives at the "Secret Annex"
    Dussel is a family friend of the Franks. He is a dentist. This is important to Anne's life because she is forced to shared her already tiny roon in the Annex with him and they don't get along very well. He makes her life in the Annex very stressful.
  • Anne and the Diary's last day

    Anne and the Diary's last day
    On this date Anne writes in her diary one last time. Her final diary entry is made.
  • The secert is out

    The secert is out
    This is the day that the Secert Annex is discovered.The 8 people inside are taken to the Gestapo headquarters.
  • Leaving Holland

    Leaving Holland
    The Franks, the Van Daans, and Dussel were send away from Holland. Along with a thousand other Jews, for the simple fact that they were Jews. I'm sure they could only imagine what was coming next.
  • Arriving at Auschwitz

    Arriving at Auschwitz
    The Franks, the Van Daans, and Dussel all arive at Auschwitz. This is the last time they will all be together. And for all but one, they are reaching their last days.
  • On the way to Belsen

    On the way to Belsen
    Anne, Margot, and Mrs. Van Daan get selected to go to Bergen-Belsen. They were young and strong when they arrived there.
  • Anne's mother passes away

    Anne's mother passes away
    Mrs.Frank died in Auschwitz. In the infirmary barracks. She was terribly ill.
  • Anne becomes sick with Typhus

    Anne becomes sick with Typhus
    In March of 1945 Anne becomes very ill with Typhus in Bergen-Belson
  • Bergen-Belsen is liberated

    Bergen-Belsen is liberated
    The camp that Anne Frank and Margot die in, Bergen-Belsen is liberated by British troops. Only a very short time after both of the girls die of sickness.
  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide
    Him and his wife commit suicide.
  • Otto Frank returns to Amsterdam

    Otto Frank returns to Amsterdam
    In May Otto, Anne's father, returns to the "seceret annex" and finds Anne's diary. Along with her stories and sketches.
  • World War II is offically at en end

    World War II is offically at en end
    World War II started on September 1, 1939 and ended September 2, 1945. Otto Frank is the one and only person from the Seceret Annex to be alive to witness this.
  • Anne's stories are published

    Anne's stories are published
    Soon after Otto discovers Anne's diary he gets it published for the first time in Amsterdam. Later it is published all of the world.